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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Again? 15 People Shot, But Why Is The Media Silent?

Yesterday the nation reeled with the news that three people had been shot dead by a lone gunman in Colorado Springs. Thankfully, the gunman was stopped by police.

Little information has been released about the suspect or his victims. It’s being characterized by the media as yet ANOTHER mass shooting, and was top of the headlines for hours.

But did you know 15 people have been shot in Chicago, including 4 teenagers and a senior citizen since Friday? Of course not. It was in Chicago – in a neighborhood where there used to be a $3 million drug operation. The Chicago Tribune says more than 40 people were charged in connection with the heroin ring last June.

But that’s when the neighborhood really went downhill.

After this weekend’s shootings, the Chicago Tribune says residents agree, “the neighborhood was better when the drug dealers were around.

“When the drug dealers had left, that’s when everything started getting worse on this block,” said Mariah Monae, 16, who didn’t want to give her last name. “But when they was here, they was protecting us. They ain’t let none of that shooting stuff happen.”



  1. Kind of like Iraq and Afghanistan were quieter when Hussein and the Taliban were respectively in charge.

  2. "“But when they was here, they was protecting us. They ain’t let none of that shooting stuff happen.”

    That would be a sophomore or junior in high school showing off her grammar!I'll bet her math is even better...


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