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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Redskins' new court defense: US has registered plenty of 'offensive' trademarks

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- As the Washington Redskins defend their federal trademark registration, they argue in court papers that the government has registered plenty of companies with offensive names.

Among the names cited by the NFL team: Take Yo Panties Off and Dago Swagg clothing, Midget Man condoms and inflatable sex dolls and Baked By A Negro bakery products.

The Redskins are appealing a judge's July order canceling their trademark registration. U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee ruled that the name Redskins may be disparaging to Native Americans.

In its opening brief filed with the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the team says the federal trademark register is "infested with countless trademarks conveying racist and offensive messages" but insists that the name Redskins is not among them. The team has long said that the name is intended to honor Native Americans, not insult them, and that there is no proof that a substantial segment of that population finds the word Redskins offensive.



  1. Listen, I understand the history behind the name and who it honored, etc.

    But seriously, would you walk up to an American Indian and call him a "redskin"?

    I will say that the Washington Redskins have a more dignified emblem than the Cleveland Indians.

  2. Wait...so instead of their typical "it's not an offensive term" mumbo jumbo, it's now "everyone else is offensive, so we can be, too"?

  3. The PC Police will have their hands full with this one. Why should they be held accountable when it is obvious that plenty of other businesses are not? It raises a good point. I am not sure this is them admitting the name is offensive as much as it is attacking from another perspective. Some other names I have seen floating around by REDSKINS beat writers: "Reformed Whores", "Does This Gun Make My Butt Look Big". The Redskins lawyers also pointed out that allowing this ruling would allow the government to cancel birth certificates and/or Social Security Cards of an individual (ex. Joe Redskin) for whatever reason may or may not be there.

  4. what a bunch of crap! it's none of the governments business....Obummer is just mad cause the owner didn't roll over and do as he commanded!

  5. 225-Then why does Snyder want the governments trademark protection?

  6. 11:41 No, I wouldn't... I would call them DRUNK.

    Nothing wrong with their name, and the term is only offensive to pathetic whites who gave up long ago. Hell, reservation high schools use the same team name. Now, why would they do that? Hmmmm.

    You PC girls need to pack up and GTFO of the US!

  7. 329-The Redskins founder was an avowed racist. Look it up.

  8. one of the many daily diversions by Marxists that keeps us from reading how the UN has told Obama to get out of Syria ... keep reporting the news Joe..this is one of the few places that will..

  9. Let the native Americans object. Everyone else stay out of it!


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