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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

National Media Ignores Black-on-White Hate Crime Assault

Men viciously assaulted by black gang for displaying confederate flag sticker

Imagine if two African-Americans had been assaulted by a confederate flag-waving white biker gang for carrying a ‘Black Lives Matter’ protest sign.

Imagine if the incident had been caught on camera, with a black man being punched unconscious by one of the white men.

The story would be a national news item for days, maybe even weeks.

More  WARNING: Foul language in video.


  1. If they want to ride around with that disgusting symbol of hatred proudly displayed then they should own it. Nuff said.

    1. They should have backed it up, as is their right in Utah, with a .44 caliber lesson in First Amendment rights.

  2. 11:48 you idiot you have no idea of history no idea of the Constitution and no idea of civil decency. Nuff said!

  3. Anonymous said...
    If they want to ride around with that disgusting symbol of hatred proudly displayed then they should own it. Nuff said.

    November 4, 2015 at 11:48 AM

    F.U.!! You are a disgusting symbol of hatred and you are fortunate you didn't associate your name with this post. Nuff said.


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