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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Arizona’s Obamacare Co-Op to Shut Down After Receiving $93.3 Million From the Government

The co-ops have received a combined $2.4 billion from the federal government

Two days before the start of Obamacare’s open enrollment period, a nonprofit health insurance provider located in Arizona announced that it would be closing its doors, leaving more than 56,000 consumers to purchase new insurance plans.

On Friday, the Arizona Department of Insurance announced that Meritus Health Partners is winding down its operations and will no longer offer coverage in 2016. Meritus Health Partners is the 11th of 23 co-ops, or consumer-operated and oriented plans, created under Obamacare to shut its doors. The co-ops have received a combined $2.4 billion from the federal government.

Consumers currently insured by Meritus will remain covered for the rest of the year.

“[W]ith open enrollment beginning this weekend and many Meritus policyholders subject to re-enrollment, it was vital that the department step in and protect Arizona citizens,” Andy Tobin, the state director of insurance, said in a statement.

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  1. More proof that Obamacare is a disaster. The Democrats have shoved more taxpayers money in their own pockets and more senseless debt up our butts. Come on Congress get off your butts and repeal this horrible law.

  2. Absolutely not true. Meritus Health Partner is another greedy big business insurance company who made millions of dollars off of the government tax paying citizens. The trusties have made enough money off the middle-class and the poor. Now, its time to pack up, shut down, close this insurance company and go on vacation until they can come up with another scam in the future. Believe it or not, the State of Arizona officials had theirs hands in the kitty too. Ask yourself how most of Salisbury pass official manage to retired, leave everyone else to scrap the bottom of the barrel and move to Florida. The State system is more corrupted then the government system. All big business's make money off the government, the middle-class and the poor. After the damage is done, they want you to believe it's Obamacare. Believe what you want people. Keep thinking it's Obama. Your next President will be Hildabeast Clinton. Then you will reap what you sow.

  3. but, but, but the article says they are NON-PROFIT!

  4. Well, I did not see that coming!!

  5. They said when the Computer fiasco went down that the waste that happened then would be nothing compared to the waste coming down the road. follow the money... it is a mega Solyndra


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