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Sunday, November 01, 2015

Here's The Police Officer Assaulting A Young Female Student


  1. Why didn't she just give up the phone. She knows you're not supposed to have a phone in school, let alone have it in your hand using it She was asked several times to put it away but no, her Momma said she could do whatever she wants and then blame the cops. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Like Glenn Beck said on TV last night, if I had done that when I was in school, my parents would have looked at me and said, why didn't you listen to the teacher and the police, are you crazy? Not only would I have been drug out of the classroom, I would have gotten it again when I got home for first, carrying the phone to school and secondly for not listening to the teacher and the police. Teach your kids to LISTEN not DEFY.

  2. What a horrible world we live in. We did not have any of this when we went to school. There were no cops in schools. I do not agree with his actions but I also find disrespectful children bring trouble upon themselves. If she had put the phone away, there would have been no secondary action upon her.

    We have not evolved. We are nothing but a bunch of self centered jerks with respect for no one including ourselves.

    I am so happy I grew up when I did

  3. First of all she assaulted the cop first. Here we go again. Another honor student (cough) not following directions, IMAGINE THAT!!! Then all her thug buddies talk about how scared DA WAS. Couldn't be to afraid to not follow a cops command then assaulting him. What choice did the cop have?? But of course the blacksame are outraged. Go figure.

  4. I am not saying that the force used was necessary, but when you are a student in school and you are told to do something by a person of authority then you should do it! She brought all of these problems on herself by not following instructions, and by being disrespectful!

  5. Another one of those incidents where both are at fault!

    The rules state no cell phone use - she violated....
    The school tried to enforce - she refused....
    The cop tried to enforce - properly at first....
    She escalated....
    The cop escalated....

  6. You should post the whole story behind this incident, I read it yesterday and they even provided a snapshot of some key moments. Not saying the officer here is 100% right with his actions, but a 10 second clip doesn't show everything

  7. He did not assault her. He had a job to do and she rapidly pulled away causing herself to fall out of the chair. The cop properly responded with minimal disruption.

  8. The officer did nothing wrong. He had to do what he had to do so the situation didn't escalate into a bigger fight involving more "students." We ALL know how they like to involve themselves. After multiple attempts (too many IMO) she didn't listen and 3rd video shows her swinging at the officer. He had to act and act quickly and get her the heck out of there before the whole situation turned chaotic which could have resulted in injuries to himself and other "students."

  9. Looks like Wi Middle, Wi-Hi, Bennett Middle, Bennett High, Parkside High to me. Enough already students. When asked to do something by teacher or police, do it.

  10. Typical. All ready teaching her she's the victim. This is why these people end up amounting to either a number within the prison system, dead by violence or stuck in a neighborhood that is a war zone because of all the crime. She should have put the phone away the fist time asked but she didn't. These degenerates are disgusting. Same kind that when they end up killed the baby momma's on TV boo hooing like some kind of lunatic. No feeling sorry here. When you haven't evolved into a civilized human being you need to be treated like the dreg of society that you are.

  11. The mother of this thing some are calling a student should be assaulted for raising such a loser. Certainly the story is the same-doesn't know father or he's in prison, multiple half siblings, in the welfare system since birth. No doubt the father is going to show up now that he thinks there is a dollar to be made. That's how these people operate.

  12. 8:07AM

    If a teacher or especially a cop asked you to jump off a bridge for no reason are you going to "JUST DO IT"???

    If a teacher or especially a cop says "Suck a dick" Are you going to "JUST DO IT"?

    If a teacher or especially a cop says "TO KILL SOMEONE" are you "JUST GOING TO DO IT"?

    If a teacher or especially a cop says "TO dance naked in the street with your finger in the air singing O happy day" are you "JUST GOING TO DO IT"????

    There are somethings that are against the law, and NOT FOLLOWING ILLEGAL ORDERS IS ONE OF THEM.... YOU DON"T JUST DO WHAT PEOPLE TELL YOU TO DO even if it is a COP!!! Especially when they get paid to ruin peoples lives and you all call that a hero... Did you know a firefighter risks his life every god damn day, more than a cop does... and even if the job is violent for a cop, today the cop is qt fault for breaking the god damn laws they took an oath to enforce... OH NO LETS NOT LOOK AT THAT RIGHT??? because we all know, cops are not human and are not fallible right?

  13. Is this the 1st, 2nd or third video that has been on FOX - different versions of incident on each video.

  14. Another Merit Scholar? Hey Folks, it would seem she assaulted the cop, can anyone else get that? Cop uses force necessary to get the job done in the most efficient manner...has bigger and probably less better things to get to, like fighting crime?

  15. She must not be much of a student if she can't learn to listen to authority. Phone prob stolen or paid for by tax dollars anyhow. Give that cop a raise and promotion!!!


  16. Disrespectful, rude child. She should have her hiny-hind beaten by both parents when she gets home. Or maybe she only has one parent.

  17. 8:24 am you have some real issues. you do what the cop says as he is the law. when we were growing up, we would have been beat at home for being just slightly disrespectful at school, and the parents supported authority! Cops do not ruin lives. hope you never need one. or maybe you will need one, but no one will come help you.

  18. When I was in school during the Seventies and eighties, there was never a cop in the schools. If you acted up, you got sent to the office. They would call your parents to come and get you. They would suspend you, or you would get detention after school or you would get cafeteria duty to help clean the tables and trash. They shouldn't be there period!!!!

  19. She didn't resist, she didn't do anything at all. This is assault just as sure as the day is long. Get your facts straight.

  20. No let her do whatever she wants,,,,disruptive ignorant lives matter

  21. 8:24 Your comment is as dumb as you are. Those questions you posed are stupid. No one asked her to do anything other than put her phone away which is against school rules. Now go and crawl back out of the cesspool you emerged from. I can't deal with such ignoramuses this early in the AM.

  22. There's cops in schools because of idiiot lack of respect not taught by the thug parents.

  23. There is a BIG difference in a teacher telling you to "jump off abridge", or a cop telling you "to kill someone" (neither of which has probably EVER happened) and a cop or a teacher telling a future felon to put the phone away.
    Fatherless families. The number one predictor of future criminals and welfare recipients. NUMBER ONE.
    This little b***h purposely defied the teacher AND a police officer and DID hit the cop. Was her mother upset at her behavior? Oh no.
    Looking to get paid now and I wonder if THAT wasn't the plan all along.
    I'll bet her father would like to try to talk some sense into her, but he is only allowed to make calls between 5 and 7.
    Keep cheering.

  24. 8:24 You Sir or Maam (and I use those titles loosely) are the problem in these cases. Your way of trying to 'reason' makes no sense at all. This is precisely why this sh!t goes on in schools and in the neighborhoods around Salisbury and other areas.

  25. " Anonymous said...

    She didn't resist, she didn't do anything at all. This is assault just as sure as the day is long. Get your facts straight.

    October 28, 2015 at 9:07 AM"

    Yeah right-she didn't do anything at all. You are a fool and your own mother needs a foot shoved so far up her rear end that she chokes to death on it for raising such a loser as yourself.


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