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Sunday, November 01, 2015

I Told You Last Night, MSM Making This All About Race Now, White on Black

Toppled Desk Points to Race and Discipline

The Justice Department will investigate an episode in which a white police officer is seen in a video throwing a black student to the floor at a high school in South Carolina.
Race and Discipline in Spotlight After South Carolina Officer Drags Student

Videos of a white sheriff’s deputy throwing a black high school girl to the floor of a classroom thrust this community into an unsettling national discussion Tuesday about whether black students are disproportionately punished.

The incident, which the Justice Department said Tuesday that it would investigate, follows national studies showing that black students were far more likely than whites to be disciplined in public schools, even for comparable offenses.



  1. you are incorrect If this was a white student the reporting would be exactly the same. This guy has to go. Nothing the student did warrants this kind of treatment. Tell me again how the police are unable to do their jobs. What an outrage.

    1. So it's OK to disrespect your teacher your principal and hit an officer. So how should he gave handled it. Just keep asking her and saying please and thank you. So you are saying that we should respect all the disrespecting kids of the world.

  2. She did not resist, she did not do a thing. This is assault. End of story.

    1. The 2 idiots above obviously have thug kids.

  3. Once again the school officials don't stand by the PO. The school should have removed ALL the students first.

    1. Why so she would not get embarrassed what about the teacher and principal she embarrassed. She didn't ask the class to leave when she decided to disrespect her elders.

  4. I definitely saw her fist the cop. But more importantly she disrupted the class with her f you's and ignoring the teacher's request to put her cell down.
    My opinion is that she was out of line and the victims were the other students who were there to learn and the teacher. She needs to learn a little respect.
    In my day my parents would have hauled me back to school and made me apologize to the class for the disruption.

  5. From the news reports, he was told to remove the student, it can either be voluntarily by the student, or by force. He did his job.

  6. Got to agree with 9:29. If you go frame by frame you can clearly see that she is the one that caused the desk to topple. She threw a punch at the officer when the chair was down. Maybe he didn't need to use as much force as he did but it is incredibly difficult to get someone out of those chairs if they don't want to go. When I was in school we had one such person and the teacher had one of the football players help him pick up the whole chair/desk and put it in the hall. Once she was no longer getting attention the girl went to the principals office on her own.

  7. These comments are idiotic. This guy has to go. And, how do you put some guy who has had multiple charges brought against him in a school situation? This is way way over the top. No way this is justifiable. I hear Burger Kind is hiring.

    1. then maybe you should get a job there

  8. 9:54 Please, if respect and discipline is lacking by students, how are they going to get a job at Burger King?

  9. The media believes this is just normal Black behavior in their racist world and the cop should give special treatment to people with a lack of impulse control. Oh the soft bigotry of low expectations.

  10. Reply from 9:57--Well played Ray, well played.

  11. Now he just got fired to appease black lives matter,unreal,ALL cops should callvin sick.

  12. Passive resistance is still resisting, then became active resisting once he tried to get her up. She was advised multiple times nicely to get up and leave. SHE refused, SHE decided to fight, SHE caused the problem. Ask, Tell, Make. Its that simple.

  13. This officer is being fired and that is so wrong. Every police officer out there should refuse to be placed in a school. Hell, they shouldn't have to be in schools anyway.

    1. Its because of thugs ruining schools and teachers cant discipline anymore blame obama andvthe liberal scum.

  14. Funny, the article is about how the MSM turned this into a White on Black thing. Oh, that's right, I'm on the Eastern Shore.

  15. your exactly right joe. joe how come we never heard a word over this?????

    same situation except the cop actually swung!!!!!!!!!!

    you know why this never made news???????? black cop black child.

    now that the cop is white and the student is black oh my its racial...

    students are out of control and its the governments fault

    wish the cop knocked him out



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