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Sunday, November 01, 2015


Greg Bassett now does the PAC 14 One on One interviews, taking the place of Phil Tilghman.

Bassett says that these interviews will be on Video On Demand on PAC 14, but only Ireton's and Shanie's districts are available.

Now I know Tim Spies interview was some TWO WEEKS ago, yet it is not available.

Bassett is the former publisher of the Daily Times and we all know what he is capable of. I can guarantee you Bassett and PAC 14 is too afraid to release Mr. Spies interview because SBYNews has the largest viewing audience on the entire Eastern Shore. I'd be scared too if I was throwing my rag of a free paper on peoples driveways in the hope someone might read it.

Bassett will never change because he's back by the liberal machine. One sided LIBERAL BS.


  1. Why don't you interview Councilman Spies? He's a genius...really, MENSA member. Unlike his opposition, no anonymous unreported Political PAC money like his opponent. Spies is honest and his campaign is transparent all the way. He represents the real people of Salisbury not the Realtor's Association. Did you get their mailer in favor of the opposition..glossy, fancy, and beyond the reach of campaign finance reporting. Vote for real people...vote for Tim Spies.

  2. Tim has been interviewed, so everything has been done. We will wait until after the election to see it, right?

    Our local MSM is a deterrent to real news, and continues its real Dem agenda.

  3. The interviews of the District 3 candidates are on YouTube, but not yet on PAC14 Video on Demand. Wonder why? I think that Spies did better than Heath or Lindsay. Maybe that's why.
    I watched them just now. Spies was the only one to say anything of substance. The rest was fluff.
    Go to YouTube to see them. One on One Salisbury City Elections District 3 Candidates

  4. Thanks for what you do, Joe. Shaking up the good old boys for what, 10 years now?

  5. Is Bassett still associated with the free rag? What a conflict of interest for him to be doing those interviews on yet another media outlet. It's pretty much "owned" by the Chamber of Commerce, isn't it?

  6. Our household has received 3 different ones of the fancy glossy campaign mailings of Mr. Heath's. My thought........wow, that must have been expensive!

  7. Joe, are you supporting Mr. Spies?

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Our household has received 3 different ones of the fancy glossy campaign mailings of Mr. Heath's. My thought........wow, that must have been expensive!

    October 27, 2015 at 10:59 PM

    I did one mailing and it wasn't that fancy, but a decent sized card and it cost me $4500 at Minute Man. To answer your question, yes it is expensive and their card is much nicer.

  9. I would vote for Tim Spies if I could but I'm in wrong district. That person named Ireton came to our door last night hoping for a vote or two I guess, but he's sadly mistaken. No chance from this household.

  10. Instead of SBYNews complaining, they should be out there doing their own video interviews. My theory is if others cannot suit you, you need to do it yourself . This telling the world what everyone else is doing wrong does not work, Show the world how it should be done.


  11. The district 3 interviews have been on pac demand for about two weeks now. I don't know how some missed it. All 5 districts. Now they might have been taken down recently.

  12. 6:34, I see, so rather then admitting PAC 14 is BIAS, blame it on Joe Albero and the idea that he didn't do interviews.

    Yeah, like I'm going to interview the liked of the LIAR Laura Mitchell, (Joe Albero stole my METHADONE pill bottle out of the police evidence locker) or Jim Ireton, I didn't make that phone call to you.

    Now listen to me very carefully. If you do not like what I provide on a daily basis, 7 days a week, don't come back. But you can't do that, can you.

  13. Joe,

    All the videos we have for candidates are on our youtube page www.youtube.com/thePAC14. under the playlist one on one politics.

    we all have our convictions, and PAC 14 is dedicated to having all candidates' videos available.

    i see you were able to post from youtube, so it is evident that you were able to find the video for your candidate.

    thanks for watching PAC 14 and i am always available to answer any questions if you would just call.


    tom t

  14. Tom,

    Let's get something straight here. The video we captured from YouTube was a video 1.5 hours long. Tim Spies was the LAST person being interviewed. WE asked Mr. Spies to divide the interviews up and created a new video exclusively on Tim Spies.

    More importantly, the ON DEMAND videos on PAC 14 do NOT include this video, nor the other two candidates. They do NOT include the candidates running against Shanie Shields either.

    It is extremely wrong, what you have done. There is NO reason, (other then to encourage voters to side with Ireton and Shields) and the TAXPAYERS foot YOUR BILLS.

    Yes, I am very upset. For you to believe residents should SEARCH YouTube for other interviews is just plain wrong. You've become another Liberal Political Machine that slaps the very taxpayers who pay to keep you afloat. In my honest opinion, PAC 14 should be shut down immediately and sued for such tactics.

  15. I'll add Tom, you said, "i see you were able to post from youtube, so it is evident that you were able to find the video for your candidate".

    And Tom, I see where YOU have published only YOUR candidates.

    It was never about MY candidate Tom. The point to my article is to show our audience that PAC 14 has clearly chosen THEIR candidates and now you have proven that OURS are elsewhere, IF you can find them.

  16. I make sure to pick up a Salisbury Independent once a week... That is how often I eat crabs.


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