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Sunday, November 15, 2015

And We Wonder Why We're Called "How's That Shithouse Of An Eastern Shore"

Today at the Wicomico Civic Center above.


  1. HOW in the hell can the committee running this not be held accountable for this gross mistake.

  2. I hope that they're out there correcting it. Other than this ignorant mistake, the ceremony was very good. I hope that it's perfect next year.

  3. Somebody didn't get the memo.

  4. ONLY in Salisbury, Wicomico County, MD - I swear, can they get anything right?

  5. Stop by the Main Post office.

    1. Post office isn't under Hogan's control. But as a federal office .......

  6. This is just another example of what indicates to me that this whole county is dying an increasingly fast death!

  7. Veteran's Day is to recognize the living (flag at full staff) and Memorial Day is to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice (flag at half staff)!

  8. Leave it to the Civic Center to screw it up! Since Mike Taylor passed away, many things are perpetually wrong, but management is clueless & just plain doesn't care, as long as they're getting paid their ridiculous salaries.

  9. Dagnabit, we don't need no book learned people telling us how to be doing things. Weez been doing it like this since for ever an we ain't changing for no comeheres. What a fennin joke this place is!

  10. 2:18 is correct. We are honoring the living heroes today.

  11. Only on Memorial Day should the flag be flown at half staff and even then only until noon when it is raised to full staff. Veterans Day is full staff all day!

  12. wow

    it just makes me proud to live here

    that was sarcasm

  13. Ding dong, nobody home? Wake up Salisbury!

  14. The average IQ of an eastern shore resident is 91.

  15. I sure hope Marvin Ames was off today!
    If not, The curtains should be all the way down.

  16. I can see lowering for a short period to give thanks to those veterns no longer with us, during a ceremony, but not all day! What a bunch of bafoons and nit wits!

  17. It sure is evident that Mackes Consulting did not get paid for the month of November.

  18. Well, I'd say you all are the idiots for moving to this terrible place. Did anyone ever explain that the road you came in on also leads back out? Difficult concept? You can, at any time you like, head right on back to whatever perfect world you came from. Seriously, we'll find a way to get by without you.

  19. 8:08 Thanks for being the epitome of what is wrong with your utopia and why there is no hope for y'all.

  20. Those in charge of this Memorial Service honoring Vets are totally clueless of the way these flags should be flown today. Looks like one of the Vets there would have noticed the half staff of the flags before the service started and told the person in charge of this mistake.
    You can bet that there are only a few employed by the Civic Center who ever served our country, if any!!!!!

  21. Though the flags were not flown correctly this morning, the service was very done. The attendance was higher than previous years. I was encouraged by all the children in attendance.

    So they made a mistake with the flags. At least they were trying to honor the veterans. I hope those of you who hide behind your cloak of anonymity and take pot shots at these people took time to honor veterans today also.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:08 Thanks for being the epitome of what is wrong with your utopia and why there is no hope for y'all.

    November 11, 2015 at 9:22 PM

    like he said, well, bye

  23. Anonymous Ellen Perdue said...
    Though the flags were not flown correctly this morning, the service was very done. The attendance was higher than previous years. I was encouraged by all the children in attendance.

    So they made a mistake with the flags. At least they were trying to honor the veterans. I hope those of you who hide behind your cloak of anonymity and take pot shots at these people took time to honor veterans today also.

    November 11, 2015 at 10:58 PM

    dont get so butt hurt over it and try to make others feel inferior because they post anon. I could post a name and it could or could not be my real one. same same. most of us know how vindictive some people could be it they had a named target. where is the honor of doing something half-assed, which they had a whole year to prepare for and have done it multiple years prior? do it right or don't do it at all. admit the mistake, apologize and move on. no one is going to hang anyone over it. but pooh-poohing it and acting like it doesn't matter is distasteful.

  24. Uninformed people make judgements on things they don't know! During commemrative ceremonies you have the lowering of the colors and then upon conclusion you have the raising of the colors. They did nothing incorrect. During the ceremony the colors remain at half staff until the conclusion. They followed the proper protecol for military customs and courtsey.

  25. 7:40 AM

    we are so lucky to have you explain it to us

  26. USMCRetired said...
    Uninformed people make judgements on things they don't know! During commemrative ceremonies you have the lowering of the colors and then upon conclusion you have the raising of the colors. They did nothing incorrect. During the ceremony the colors remain at half staff until the conclusion. They followed the proper protecol for military customs and courtsey.

    November 12, 2015 at 7:40 AM

    At what point did you miss the explanation. The flags should have been raised, not lowered. They should have been lowered the night before or during the first part of the morning prior to the attendance gathering and then during the ceremony raise the flags as they have done in years past. The ceremony is to honor vets not memorialize.

  27. At what point did you miss the explanation. The flags should have been raised, not lowered. They should have been lowered the night before or during the first part of the morning prior to the attendance gathering and then during the ceremony raise the flags as they have done in years past. The ceremony is to honor vets not memorialize.

    November 15, 2015 at 5:38 PM

    nobody no longer cares

  28. Mike Taylor died? Which Mike Taylor? Was this guy in his mid-50's, worked at the WYCC?


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