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Sunday, November 01, 2015

Walmart Makes Major Move as to ‘Not Offend’ Muslims

Earlier today, we reported on outrage from the Arab community over a costume in Walmart of an Israeli soldier.
Arabs were also “offended” by a fake nose Walmart was selling:
Since the publishing of that story, Walmart has reacted by banning the sale of this costume.

InfoWars reported:

It appears as though the ban originated as a result of just one Twitter user – Nadeem Muaddi – being offended by the Israeli military uniform. This again illustrates how retailers are so quick to cave in to social media outrage when the best course of action is always torefuse to apologize or kowtow to the demands of the perpetually outraged.

Both of the costumes remain available on Amazon.com, although social justice warriors are also campaigning to have such items removed by the online retail giant.

“An online campaign named “One Star For Hate” is calling on web users to leave negative reviews on Amazon products – particularly costumes – it deems to be offensive. Supporters are offered the chance to win a $3,000 scholarship if they leave a negative review,” writes Allum Bokhari.

It’s too bad that Walmart chose to cave into the demands of those who are “offended.”



  1. I. Am starting to HATE Walmart.

  2. 6:13 you need to start hating Muslims too!

    1. Nobody needs to start hating *anybody*.

      That's how this all started.

  3. I am offended. I am of Old English and German descent and we have honkers to die for. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

  4. I wonder what they would feel/do if we stated that any thing muslins that they sell should be removed because it offends us. Would they do it? Now is the time to stand up and shout "enough is enough". If they can't hear us then hit them in their pocket and stop shopping there. Lets see how many muslins will spend enough to make up for the loss of us. This will only stop when we stand up and get heard. Remember what wheel gets the oil. map

  5. Walmart is pointing to minimum wage laws as the cause of their financial woes... Does anybody else see what I see???

  6. Wouldn't it be interesting if everybody picked an item sold at Walmart and decided it was offensive, and demanded Walmart to stop selling it?? How many items would they take off the shelves? I wonder...???!

  7. Damn first thing you know they will stop selling bacon and ham too. Give it a break Walmart - if Muslims don't like what you sell, they sure don't have to go in the store to look at the merchandise.

  8. No problem. How hard is it to put a towel over your head?

  9. Now if Walmart was smart they would follow it up with a pig costume in place of. So sick of this nation trying to be so PC with others.

  10. people should review putin's last speech to the russian people and the 5 minute standing ovation he received russia for russians if you move to russia you will speak russian and obey al russian laws and beliefs if no sharia law allowed if you want to practice your muslim beliefs,move to a country that allows that IF our governing body had the bals to stand up to the constitution as our forefathers wanted it what a great country this wiuld be for all american citizens

  11. Kind of hard when the entire WH are Muslim and a quarter of Congress are as well. All those black faces you see in Congress? ? Muslim.

  12. Why. This is the U. S.


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