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Sunday, October 04, 2015

Wicomico Social Media First Amendment Case Settled For Undisclosed Amount

SALISBURY — In what became one of the first real tests of social media and First Amendment rights, at least locally, a civil suit filed by a former Wicomico County employee against the county alleging he was wrongfully terminated for starting a Facebook discussion about proposed employee handbook revisions was settled this week, although the terms of the settlement have not been made public.

In May, former Wicomico County Emergency Management Coordinator David Inkrote filed suit in U.S. District Court against Wicomico County and three of his supervisors claiming his First Amendment rights to free speech were violated when he was terminated after creating a Facebook page in March to provide a forum for discussion on the county’s proposed new employee handbook. The suit sought an undetermined amount in compensatory and punitive damages and was deemed a test case for an employee’s use of Facebook and other social media.

This week, the case was settled before going to trial although the terms of the settlement have not been made public. Inkrote’s attorney, Robin Cockey, this week confirmed the settlement, but said he could not go into detail about the terms, only that it had been resolved before going to trial.

In March, the Wicomico County Council reviewed during a publicly televised session on PAC-14 a draft of the new county employee handbook. According to the suit filed in May, the proposed employee handbook would make substantial revisions to the existing handbook, which has been in effect since 2003.



  1. well I am glad at least he found a lawyer who will fight for their client. very few of them around here. if it's not an easy win with big bucks involved, most around here won't touch it. slimeballs.

  2. The gov't doesn't like the light of day, just like rats.

  3. Good for him! He really got a raw deal. Probably one of the nicest people I know. And a honest hard working family man. The County lost a dedicated employee.

  4. Many fire depts and police agencies are now going to be slapped with a lawsuit. Many people have been let go or disciplined for using their voices.

  5. Anon 1100 am. I totally disagree with you. Hes not the good old boy you think he is. I worked with him for yrs. He lost his cushion job and was pissed. Tax payers has to pay now. County/State Gov. took the easy way out.

  6. Everyone know this is what Robin Cockey does. I hate the SOB for taking my voting rights as a business owner with property in the city away.

  7. 11:00 & 11:43 - regardless if he was good or bad, the county did wrong - whomever fired him should lose their job for it as well!

  8. What. It is our money. What was the settlement Joe????

  9. Anonymous said...
    Good for him! He really got a raw deal. Probably one of the nicest people I know. And a honest hard working family man. The County lost a dedicated employee.

    October 2, 2015 at 11:00 AM

    Thanks for the post Dave!

  10. 12:14, First of all, it's NOT the County that is trying to settle the case, it's the insurance company. As for a settlement, most of the time both parties agree to not disclose the amount. Keep your hats on though Folks, I'm hearing rumors this isn't over.

  11. I know for a fact that David was not told to open a facebook account and he didn't invite people, he added people which can be done. Then he closed the group to private and then to secret. David got sneaky with this and then when he was called out on it they fired him. Then his Deputy Director had to resign later when it was found that he was involved in the FB page and posting things about his employer.

    I agree they did him wrong, but he is not the nicest person you could ever meet. He is a snake and people couldn't stand him at the Government Office Buildings. He was the Assistant Director in HR and they got rid of him and sent him out to the Emergency Managment office on Naylor Mill Road. That's the type of person he is. David Inkrote is the type of person that couldn't keep a job anywhere he went.

  12. You are correct 12:49 PM it was a suggestion that someone start a facebook page, but David took it upon himself to open it and make it a radical type page. He invited me as well, but I never made a comment, just watched what he would post. And for him being a nice guy it looks like he threw the Councilman under the bus just for listening to his whining about his job. That's what kind of nice person David Inkrote is.

  13. David Inkrote worked somewhere before as a police officer for a short time. I am thinking it was Somerset County. They got rid of him and some time after that David got a job with the City writing tickets downtown for the expired parking meters. Something happened to that job and then he got lucky and got a job with the county in Human Resources. They made him the risk manager also which he screwed that up. He got on everyones nerves so he was put with Emergency Management and sent somewhere away from the GOB. He also lost his Deputy Director position with Human Resources. He was only at Emergency Management for a short period so he didn't get under everyones skin there yet.

  14. I wonder why they didn't name of the Deputy Director of Emergency Services who was involved in this also?? He was one of the main players with David.

  15. JUST A suggestion folks. When speaking about someone please mention in your statement that that this is your opinion only.

  16. Anonymous said...
    JUST A suggestion folks. When speaking about someone please mention in your statement that that this is your opinion only.

    October 2, 2015 at 1:23 PM

    What are you talking about?

  17. It sure looks like someone is writing to themself under anonymous. Hmmm, I wonder who that could be?

  18. Blogger JoeAlbero said...

    It sure looks like someone is writing to themself under anonymous. Hmmm, I wonder who that could be?

    October 2, 2015 at 2:02 PM

    Would his initials be D.I.?

  19. Anonymous said...
    Good for him! He really got a raw deal. Probably one of the nicest people I know. And a honest hard working family man. The County lost a dedicated employee.

    October 2, 2015 at 11:00 AM

    If you...I mean he is such a hard working dedicated employee then why can't he keep a job? Why was he always unemployed? Why did he have to take a job as a meter maid for the city?

    Do tell!

  20. Anonymous said...
    11:00 & 11:43 - regardless if he was good or bad, the county did wrong - whomever fired him should lose their job for it as well!

    October 2, 2015 at 12:27 PM

    Well Dave who did fire you? Name names? You know you had it coming to you.

  21. Hope he got enough/ and no more than, to rent a U-haul and head on down the road to where they never heard of him and he can start his drama somewhere else. He be good on reality tv, parking wars

  22. I know for a fact < first warning sign >

    Then he closed the group to private and then to secret < second bs warning sign >

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I know for a fact < first warning sign >

    Then he closed the group to private and then to secret < second bs warning sign >

    October 2, 2015 at 7:30 PM

    Warning signs? LMAO. What is there to be warned. Someone is stating what they know.

    So David you are wrong. That is why you got fired. Get over yourself Chubby!

  24. Put a picture of this clown so that everyone knows what this meter maid looks like.

  25. Has Inkrote ever done anything to earn his own money without mooching off the government and threatening law suits.

  26. Robin Cockey should be brought up on charges of going after municipalities and enjoining taxpayers monies for settlements. I am serious - if you do a review of his cases - it is replete with these actions. Maybe there is a judge at the Federal level that will consider this as a RICO infraction.


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