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Sunday, October 04, 2015

Oregon gunman singled out Christians during rampage

A gunman singled out Christians, telling them they would see God in “one second,” during a rampage at an Oregon college Thursday that left at least nine innocent people dead and several more wounded, survivors and authorities said.

“[He started] asking people one by one what their religion was. ‘Are you a Christian?’ he would ask them, and if you’re a Christian, stand up. And they would stand up and he said, ‘Good, because you’re a Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second.’ And then he shot and killed them,” Stacy Boylen, whose daughter was wounded at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., told CNN.

A Twitter user named @bodhilooney, who said her grandmother was at the scene of the carnage, tweeted that if victims said they were Christian, “then they were shot in the head. If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs.”

Gunman Chris Harper-Mercer’s disdain for religion was evident in an online profile, in which he became a member of a “doesn’t like organized religion” group on an Internet dating site.

Kort­ney Moore, 18, said she saw the teacher of her Writing 115 class get shot in the head at the college’s Snyder Hall before the gunman started asking people to state their religion and opening fire, the city’s News-Review newspaper reported.



  1. lone wolf terrorist, isis?

  2. He is black and i bet he killed all white students but Cnn won't pointt that issue out ?
    And where is the hate crime.

  3. 8:43, did you even read the article? He was killing CHRISTIANS, he wasn't after "white" people.

  4. What a horrible tragedy. I am so sorry these students lost their lives, but kudos to them for not backing down from their faith. May we all have such courage as them. Rest in peace...

  5. If those people had had the right to protect themselves the murderer could have been stopped. Once again another gun free zone. Wake up folks. All these mass killings are in gun free zones.

  6. Okay, so we know who did this. Here is a post from his blog:

    "I have noticed that so many people like him are all alone and unknown, yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are. A man who was known by no one, is now known by everyone. His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day. Seems the more people you kill, the more you're in the limelight".

    I challenge everyone to never mention his name again!

  7. Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin, has refused to identify the gunman or otherwise "give him the credit he probably sought." The Daily Beast argues that it is Mintz's (a 30-year-old Army vet who charged the gunman in an effort to save other) selfless heroism that should be remembered after the events of October 1 — not the name of yet another mass murderer.

  8. Another gun free zone with plenty of unarmed victims, and the prez is on the news talking about gun control. You can't fix stupid.

  9. Christians who are resonate in their belief in the salvation of Jesus Christ, would be scared in the moment, but would also have little choice but to stand up if called out, even knowing by seeing others die what the eventual outcome for ourselves would be. There are many things far more important about living, than ones momentary experience with death.

  10. 9:11 We can not say at this point that it wasn't just white people he was after as well as Christians. We may never know as we can't get into his head.
    He did say in his ramblings that he was tired of being different. If that meant bi racial is unknown. He was shy and an introvert which no doubt caused him to be labeled by the liberal school systems at the very minimum. They like to say a shy child has 'no social skills.'
    That right there is the problem. Public schools and liberal parenting skills don't know the definition of diversity. Not all people are alike but liberal teachings want to socially engineer everyone into all thinking alike. You are supposed to love everyone, blacks, whites, gays, muslims etc etc. This isn't normal. If you happen to not like someone due to their race or religion this is what is normal. Everyone has their own experiences and thinking patterns that determines their likes and dislikes. While it is normal and should be accepted that some won't like others, this doesn't give anyone the right to harm another person.
    The focus should not be on trying to make everyone accept and love everyone and everything but on living cohesively with others even those who you can't stand which you should be able to voice without fear of being called bigot, racist, homophobic.
    The tragedy is exclusively the result and fault of the democrats and their politically correct agenda and other failed policies. People who exhibit signs of mental illness are uptight anyway and when they aren't free to express themselves they lash out and these shootings are the result.

  11. Another left wing anti-Christian radical encouraged by the Democrat party of hate.

  12. This is a disease.

  13. 9:11 you are an idiot, he is black and was only killing white Christians, he hated white people and Christians.

  14. 10:01 Boy, you have drank the Kool Aid.

  15. The liberal media is having everyone believe he was a 'conservative republican' because he said so on a dating website and we all know no one ever lies on a dating website so it must be true.

    Anyway myself unlike what passes for a journalist today, looked him up on Oregon's voter registration site. Here's what it says-

    Name: Harper-Mercer Chris
    Voter Status: Active
    Your voter registration is current and a ballot will be issued for the next election.
    County: Douglas
    Party: Independent Party
    Residential Address: 125 Village Dr Apt 12, Winchester OR 97495
    Mailing Address: Same

  16. I've spent a few hours today reading up on Chris Harper-Mercer and his family. He and his mother Laurel Harper remind me of Norman and Norma Bates.

  17. One witness said that the killer was"hard" while he was shooting people, he was excited by it.

  18. His mother Is Laurel Harper, whom he lived with at Saddle Butte apartments. Their address is 125 Village Drive Apt. 12, Winchester, Oregon 97495-8990. phone 541-672-5474. The apartment complex looks very old and outdated, and advertises on Zillow that it is a 2 bedroom 1 bath 800 sq feet for $ 595 per month. So how did they afford to buy 13 legally purchased guns in the last 3 years? The gunman graduated from Switzer Learning Center in Torrance, CA where they lived previously. Switzer Learning Center is a special school for autistic and children with learning disabilities. His mother had to know they had 13 guns in such a small apartment. His mother Laurel Harper is said to be a Nurse Practitioner. I am a retired Registered Nurse. Nurses are typically analytical logical people. His mother must have been living in total denial, or covering up for her mentally challenged son. His mother is recorded as outspoken.

  19. Some good points have been made in these comments (although I think the racial aspect is probably off-base.)
    He was into the occult and wiccan, and mentioned satan in his comments. That shows a lot about his mindset.
    He craved attention and got it by executing Christians.

    Probably the biggest point to take from this incident is that he was freely operating for about 8-10 minutes before the cops could get there and stop him. That's a lifetime in a situation like this.
    A gun-free zone, with one unarmed security guard (who was going to do what? Ask him for ID?)
    If anything demonstrates the stupidity of that kind of a policy, this incident does.


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