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Sunday, October 04, 2015

Immigrant racks up millions in food stamp fraud

Proving just how inept the government can be when it comes to entitlement fraud — and how easily even immigrants can learn to game the American system — one Massachusetts woman was able to single-handedly defraud the government for millions.

Vida Ofori Causey, an immigrant from Ghana, who owns a convenience store owner in the city of Worcester, pleaded guilty in federal court Monday todefrauding the food stamp program to the tune of more than $3.6 million, the Daily Caller reported.

Causey bought the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits from her customers for half of their actual value from 2010 – 2014, according to authorities.

“Causey purchased the benefits at a discounted value of approximately fifty cents for every SNAP dollar,” according to a press release from the Department of Justice. “By so doing, Causey caused the USDA to electronically deposit into a bank account controlled by her the full face value of the SNAP benefits fraudulently obtained.”



  1. Don't just bust her, bust those who sold the benefits for the reduced prices. They do this so they can buy drugs and/or alcohol. They are just as bad if not worse than she is.

  2. DUH###!! How about unemployment, social security, and our health care. Thanks to the Democrats and their plan to destroy America. How in the HELL can anyone vote democrat???? Must be a complete and utter AHOLE.

    1. I think you meant "welfare" not "social security". There is a huge difference.

  3. Happens everyday here in BMORE....They sell them around here all the time for 50cents on the dollar....so this is no real news..

  4. It happens everywhere and most of the people getting them should not be. I really wish they would check into the moochers, all the time wanting to get something for nothing.

  5. Mack in Baltimore they sell everything. They sell for 5 bucks or less the box of food they just picked up from a food pantry. A relative teaches at a school there and I used to help the school out with items the students might need. Not school supplies but things like socks, coats. You know the things would disappear and the kids would say the parents took them. Sold them of course. So then I went to paying for things like haircuts for the kids. That ended when the school called and said the mother of the kids I had sponsored that year would like to know if I would just give her the money for the haircut so she could take the kid to the salon of her choice! The principal who phoned me told me in no uncertain terms that the money would just end up in the mother's arm.

  6. Good luck on getting any of that money back.

  7. damn girl... she's got it goin on .

  8. No surprise here bet she contacted Al Sharpton to share how to do it.

  9. It happens all the time and meanwhile people who deserve the benefits are screwed.

  10. They have to have some type of record of who she gave the money to. Those people should be thrown off any type of assistance for misusing them.

  11. Has anyone ever gone to the DOJ website and ICE website and read some of their press releases? It is not only food stamps! Millions are being stolen from medicaid and medicare weekly. ICE is running around catching all types of people with child porn. It's disgusting!

  12. How did she get the money to open a convenience store?

  13. When is the last time anyone was prosecuted in this county for it. They don't care. It is profiling when you go after this criminals according to Ohblahblah and D.O.J. Sickening when there are people who need. All you have to do is go to social services and take a look in the lobby. Then they drive away in Escalades and B.M.W.s. No one is watching the till. One has to wonder what roll does DSS have in all of this. Verify the facts before you hand out our tax dollars.


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