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Sunday, October 04, 2015

WCSO Needs Help Identifying These Subjects

The Wicomico County Sheriff's Office is seeking the public's assistance in identifying the 2 subjects in this video. ...
Posted by Wicomico County Sheriff's Office on Wednesday, September 30, 2015


  1. Tell us what they did and then maybe. THis aint Nazi Germany Mien Policemen.

    1. Wow, haven't heard that one before.. You are original. That one was a real zinger. It makes me want to cheer.

    2. They broke into at least 5 cars last night in Rockawalkin Village.

  2. Really 7:36PM? Lurking around at 3:26am wearing a mask? I bet they left toys on the doorstep for a handicapped toddler and the parent's are just wanting to thank them.

  3. Where,when, what? Reason? Not until I hear that.

  4. 7:36 in the reason this country is in the toilet.

  5. Why you want to know who I am???

  6. 7:36 you and idiots like you are the reason this country is in the crapper. Yep this is Nazi Germany all over again. What a complete dunce. You might want to read up on what the Nazi's actually did. Law and order is a far cry from that era. Move to a communist country you are so oppressed here lol

  7. These darlings were out and about in the wee hours of the morning breaking into cars and garages on Rockawalkin Village. Specifically on North and South Tourmaline Rds. Now you know what they did will you please help if you can?

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    7:36 you and idiots like you are the reason this country is in the crapper. Yep this is Nazi Germany all over again. What a complete dunce. You might want to read up on what the Nazi's actually did. Law and order is a far cry from that era. Move to a communist country you are so oppressed here lol

    October 1, 2015 at 12:18 AM

    Nazi Germany had lots of laws. All in their favor. Neighbor spying on neighbor. Ratting out the Jews. The people blindly following their leaders. Giving up their rights. People being rounded up and disappearing. If one didn't fit a certain profile they were shunned.

    Yes sir, 'Murica IS much like that nowadays. Maybe you should read some history and pay better attention.

  9. I have a right to ask why I am being asked to help the police. I will not blindly turn in one of my American brothers because the police simply ask and neither should you. They need a reason and so far that reason has not been given by anyone credible.

  10. Ask any lawyer people. There is nothing in their hands. Just because they were in the area does not necessarily mean it was them. Of course it probably was but there is a possibility that they were trespassing on the wrong not is all.

  11. I was one of their victims, if it happened to you , youd want them turned in

  12. Wayne Dickerson, without mask

    1. You might be onto something !!!!

  13. I hope your right with it being Wayne, both of these jerks need bullets in them!!!

  14. "I will not blindly turn in one of my American brothers" You need to just stop with the drama-queen crap. Your 'American brothers' are thieving scum skulking around in the dark to prey on innocent people.

  15. 4:47 you are an idiot not even close. No race is being wiped out. No honest law abiding citizens are risk here. You are comparing genocide to good policing and being a good American. You just keep wearing that tin foil hat hiding in your closet. I think more then anything you sir are a coward at heart. Stick you head back in the sand.

  16. The look like a couple of Nancy boys.

  17. Lol.. Chances are they were doing the robbing right in their own neighborhood. Masks were probably needed just for that reason. Dumb kids.


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