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Sunday, October 04, 2015

Christian school boots girl, 5, due to lesbian parents

A same-sex couple plans to sue a San Diego, California, Christian school for adhering to the tenets of Christianity.

Mt. Erie Christian Academy will soon find itself tangled in civil-rights litigation because it discontinued the kindergarten enrollment of a 5-year-old girl being raised by two women.

A woman who only wishes to be identified as Sheena told KGTV-10 Sept. 25 her child was not permitted to return to the academy days after the school year started. Her wife, Lashaune, is in the U.S. Navy and deployed.

Sheena told the ABC affiliate she was called into a pastor’s office Sept. 4 and informed of the school’s decision.



  1. These people should have thought about the consequences of going against what the bible teaches and then send their child to a Christian school.

  2. The school's policy is crystal clear. They either didn't read it, believe it or wanted to test it.

  3. Reminds me of George Wallace standing at the school house doors.

  4. One of the many reasons parents send their children to christian schools is so the children are around and associate with other children and families who have the same belief systems.
    Personally I think these lesbians are horrid people who should not even have thought to send this child to a christian bible based school because the bible clearly states homosexuality is wrong. They are using this child and it is wrong. That's the problem with these gays, they will stop at nothing including using a child to prove a point. They are no better than any other child predator. You do not use children ever!
    If they want to send her to a private "christian" school that teaches homosexuality isn't a sin then they need to start their own school, just like the parents did who wanted this christian education facility in their area.

  5. They should of heard of following school rules. If they don't like Christian school rules...go somewhere else. Thankful, they are not going to change Christian beliefs.

  6. anon 730, you're an idiot

  7. 7:30 IS an idiot.
    The two events are so unrelated that to make ANY connection between the two requires some really convoluted and unusual thinking.

    Want to rejoice in your unusual lifestyle? Go ahead. It's a great country.
    You don't get to shove that into everyone else's face, family, school, and job so you can 1) file a big lawsuit 2) get on TV and complain someone is "hurting your feelings" 3) make some organization (the BOY Scouts? a PRIVATE school? bend to your will and change their very structure and rules to make sure you feel okay about yourself.
    The decisions one makes in life are choices that everyone else DOES NOT have to accept, like, or agree with.
    ESPECIALLY when it is a private organization.
    Go somewhere else. Patronize another business. Buy your cake somewhere else. Find a school that loves lesbians.
    That's how easy is is.....

  8. This subject in the last few years has happened right here in Salisbury. A lesbian couple who lived on my street had been sending 3 grandchildren, which they had custody of sending them on the Christian Church's bus to that church on Sunday mornings. After about a year it became a big deal and the children not the parents were told they no longer were welcome. When the grandparents inquired they were advised that it was true, they no longer would be picked up or welcome there.

  9. If I was paying to send my granddaughter to that school I'd be screaming like hell if they didn't kick her out.

  10. I love it when Christians quote the verses they think allows them to be bigoted against gays, but COMPLETELY ignore all the other laws in the bible like not eating shell fish, not mixing differing fabrics, allowing rapists to marry their victims if they pay the victims father 50 silver.

    Seems like they just pick and choose. It's either that, or they really have no idea what their holy text says. It's hysterical how many people say they are "bible believing" Christians who have never even read the whole thing. It's no wonder that Atheists are more knowledgeable about their text than they are.

  11. 1:19
    I love it when people like you quote from a book you don't believe in nor understand.

  12. Good for them it's a Christian school. The only reason those sodomites sent their kid there is to be able to file lawsuits.

  13. 1:19 You need to stop gulping down all the propaganda that is being rammed down you throat and do your own research, because you pal are without a doubt-clueless. The Bible says FYI the passages you write of have nothing to do with 'allowing rapists to marry their victims!" It's about punishing the male for taking a virgin who he is not married to.
    Besides all the things you mention are Old Testament verses and the New Testament takes precedence. The Old Testament makes references to homosexuality being a sin and gays just like anyone else hate it when their sins are pointed out to them. This is why these gays are so uptight. If they would just accept that they are sinners just like everyone else does and vow to change their sinful ways they will become much better people.

  14. @ 1:40

    So, the bible DOESN'T have laws just like 1:19 mentioned? Lets see...

    Shellfish: Leviticus 11:9-12

    Not mixing Fabrics: Deuteronomy 22:11 AND Leviticus 19:19 (which also says no planting your fields with more than one seed, nor mating different animals)

    Rape marriage for 50 shekels: Deuteronomy 22:28-29

    Yep. It's in there. I wonder 1:40... how much of the bible have you read?

    I heard the expression once: "The best way to make someone turn atheist is to have them read the whole bible, back to back." I don't know if it will for you, but I encourage you to do so.

    There is a reason that Atheists/Agnostics are more religiously literate, it is because we have taken the time to pay attention and learn. (Pew Research Center Study 2010 May 19-June 6)

    Also, 1:19, take note... this is how you formulate a reply, you cite sources and provide evidence. I would be interested to hear a more formulated response from you using such techniques.

    1. A reasoned, logical response from uneducated and/or rabid theists, is like dividing by zero. Works like a charm on the door knockers.

      They pass on by our house now, we smile and wave. Let somebody else toss out their Watchtower propaganda.

  15. All they are doing is trying to show off and make a name for themselves all at the expense of the child. Only a sick perverse person would do this to a child. Homosexuals nationwide should be hanging their head in collective shame at the vulgar and crude turn their agenda is taking.
    This proves that homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to adopt. If they are willing to use a child to promote their agenda then they are capable of anything.

  16. @2:08

    You've only made it worse! It's a "punishment" for the rapist is to marry his victim? What about the victim! You call that punishment?

    You seem to have only made your case worse. Regardless, the point being made is that people seem to pick and choose which laws of the bible they want to focus on, and disregard the "not so convenient" ones.

    Seriously, what a terrible justification. How about "thou shalt not rape"? You know, the punishment for being a disobedient/rebellious child is death, but rape someone and your "punishment" is you get to have her for 50 bucks? Oh, and she better be a good wife, because the bible says to be... never mind the dude RAPED you.


  17. 2:12 and 3:20. Stop your nonsense as it is very clear that you all have not read the Bible.
    If you had any clue whatsoever about the Christian faiths and exactly what the Bible teaches you wouldn't make such asinine comments.
    Let me clue you in so you don't repeat your nonsense in public and embarrass yourself.
    The New Testament overrides the Old Testament. The Gospel of Matthew for example speaks (numerous times) of how the new new teachings override the old ones.
    Examples include the old 'eye for an eye' becomes 'turn the other cheek.'
    As far as the 'rape' verse you all are so fixated on the victim isn't being 'forced' to marry the 'rapist', but the other way around. The 'rapist' is forced to marry the victim as punishment since at the time the culture highly valued virginity.

    Now read it and comprehend Einsteins.
    Deuteronomy 22:28,29--“In case a man finds a girl, a virgin who has not been engaged, and he actually seizes her and lies down with her, and they have been found out, 29) the man who lay down with her must also give the girl’s father fifty silver shekels, and she will become his wife due to the fact that he humiliated her. He will not be allowed to divorce her all his days."

  18. Most of Old Testament law was only temporary and designed only to be in force until the Messiah came 3:20.
    Maybe if you did actually read the Bible you would not be so ignorant as to accuse others of picking and choosing "which laws of the bible they want to focus on, and disregard the "not so convenient" ones."
    Even books of the OT do rescind laws of prior OT books.

    As stated above, some of you really need to stop gulping down the propaganda about Christianity that the atheists and others are ramming down your throats by the shovelfuls.

  19. 1:19, what you refer to is the Old Testament which was written for Hebrew/Jewish scripture.
    The New Testament was written for Christians and a lot of what was in the Old Testament was in some instances completely nullified or rewritten.

  20. I want to thank the Christians on this thread for replying to tje incredible ignorance another devil influenced Christian hater. Thank you and God bless you.

  21. Personally I wouldn't want my children surrounded by a religious cult. The children win here.

  22. 2:...in your emotional zeal to insult Christians, you've revealed your ignorance of the BIBLE and a shameful lack of understanding.
    I think I hear San Francisco calling your name.....

  23. Fine, so keep your children away from ours, and stop taking us to court.

    Every knee will bow

  24. OH yes 2:12 Let us most certainly see. I have no problem with that whatsoever.

    FYI-The "shellfish" verses were written specifically for the Israelites and NO one else.
    It would benefit you to read chapters and verses prior to and immediately following each and every verse every time you open a Bible for accurate understanding and interpretation.

    New Testament Gospel Mark declares all foods "clean" because Jesus said so.

    In the Garden of Eden God commanded all be vegetarians. Then during the Noah era vegetarian, clean and unclean meats.
    Moses came along and the it was vegetarian and clean meats. This is called the Torah, Jewish tradition.
    Then when Jesus came He said everything God made which can be consumed is okay to eat.
    The NT also says when we get to Heaven we will all be vegetarians.


  25. "Not mixing Fabrics: Deuteronomy 22:11 AND Leviticus 19:19"

    2:12 This is NOT what either passage says. What they say is to not wear clothing woven of 2 different types of materials.
    This goes to planting and mating.
    Now again if you read before and after you would have know that this goes to strength. The meaning behind the verses is that when things are alike it means more strength as in strength in numbers and not to saturate with a cheaper/weaker material because that is cheating people. It is a lesson and a moral "law" not a sin.

  26. 2:12 says- "Not mixing Fabrics: Deuteronomy 22:11 AND Leviticus 19:19 (which also says no planting your fields with more than one seed, nor mating different animals)"

    These prohibitions applied exclusively to ancient Israel and not for Christians.

  27. 2:12 Not mixing Fabrics: Deuteronomy 22:11 AND Leviticus 19:19-

    WRONG! What is says is to not mix FIBERS together, not "Fabrics." This was meant for the Israelite and was a lesson to them on how to keep strong and maintain their culture. You don't commingle or mix things. It will dilute and cause weakening or worse extinction.

  28. " Anonymous said...

    Personally I wouldn't want my children surrounded by a religious cult. The children win here.

    October 4, 2015 at 11:10 AM"

    That's a very very good thing because any decent REAL parent would NOT most certainly without any doubt want YOUR children fouling the air of their children. Children who have parents like you are beneath us with your lack of morals and are a bad influences on young children and it's best that you keep them away from us so to save us the trouble of telling you to get lost and to take your spawn with you.
    More people need to feel the way you do esp degenerates like these putrid lesbians.

  29. The most important thing I learned about the Bible, I learned in law school.
    The law is very much like the Bible in that things aren't always as they appear to be, upon first glance. You have to read things as a whole and not read the provisions, as if in a vacuum. This applies to the Bible the same as it does to laws, statutes even contracts.
    With the Bible, you can not understand any one verse or a series of verses, without first truly understanding the context. The Bible as with the law requires much referencing and cross referencing to gain real understanding.

  30. Right. The Old Testament was written by, to and for what we now call the Jewish faith. The New by Greeks and Romans and relates to Christianity and to a much lesser extent Jewish.
    What people fail to take into consideration is the historical background and awareness of the life and society of the times in which the Bible was written.

    1. Someone needs to tell the Jews, that they've been using the "wrong book" all these years.


  31. You can't just read the Bible in and of itself to get the big picture. It has to be read in conjunction with a Bible concordance which is the guide for cross referencing. Verses are often changed or nullified and even exceptions made that weren't originally there.
    The Bible is also full of lessons not always literal interpretations. Take the "eye for an eye" verse. Taken literally it means if someone pokes your eye out you poke theirs out. It says nothing about any other crime like murder, but people take it's meaning to include other crimes. As stated above the mixing isn't so much about wearing clothing made from fabric from 2 different kinds of fiber, but is a lesson in strength and how something is best preserved and not weakened.

  32. Evil has taken hold in America...for now.

  33. "What about the victim! You call that punishment?"

    3:20 This is why you have to go back to history and if you to fail to understand it and the culture then that is your problem. Comparing today to then is ludicrous and quite frankly asinine. You are the one who is unbelievable in your ignorance.
    In ancient times a female who wasn't a virgin regardless of the circumstances was considered a cast off. No one wanted to marry her and take care of her and it wasn't as if she could go out and get a job and support herself. To be a castoff and alone would be the worst possible punishment during those times.
    By no one's stretch of the imagination does the bible condone rape anywhere in it. Anywhere, do you understand? Quite the opposite. If a man seized a married woman the penalty was death. The woman considered innocent.
    The Bible tell men in so many words to treat their wife as a queen and in a Godly way. A wife is to obey her husband ONLY if he treats her in a Godly Queenly way. In other words the Bible teaches mutual respect.
    Again the ONLY thing unbelievable is your utter and sheer gross ignorance of the Bible.

  34. People who really understand the Bible do not just pick and choose what they want. Asinine is an understatement for those who say such foolishness and are such low information.
    I won't go into anything much because it has been addressed other than to affirm that Christian beliefs are centered around the New Testament.
    It's the Islamic Quran that is centered around the Old Testament and is why they still practice stoning and other such barbaric customs and practices.

  35. Well I see what I was going to say has been covered. But to reiterate both books Leviticus and Deuteronomy WERE written for the ancient Hebrews/Israelites/Jews.

    1. So someone wrote up some books of laws for Jews. I think they've done just fine without them.


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