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Sunday, October 04, 2015




On September 30, 2015, a Wicomico County Jury convicted Malik Dajour Moore, age 19, of Salisbury, Maryland, of multiple crimes, including: First Degree Burglary, Armed Robbery (two (2) counts), False Imprisonment (two (2) counts), Conspiracy-First Degree Burglary, Conspiracy-Armed Robbery (two (2) counts), Theft $1000-$10,000 (two (2) counts), and Theft under $1,000. The Court has ordered a pre-sentence investigation in the case and sentencing will be scheduled on a later date.

In the early morning hours of April 23, 2015, the Defendant and his accomplices, Darrell Dixon (age 19), and Nahmir Tareek Bundy (age 16), were in the area of Virginia Avenue on bicycles. There they came across a .22 caliber rifle that was stored in an unlocked truck toolbox. The men stole the .22 caliber rifle and later found themselves checking cars for valuables on Ridge Road. While in the driveway of one of the residences, the Defendants observed some X-Box video games that were visible through the home’s windows. The men, armed with the .22 caliber rifle, made entry into the home through a side window. Once inside, the men immediately began stuffing backpacks full of items from the house. Two of the home’s occupants were accosted in their beds at gunpoint by one of the co-defendants. One of the victims was then held by Nahmir Bundy at gunpoint on a living room sofa while the other men continued to fill three backpacks full of the victims’ property.

The Salisbury Police Department had at least two score officers working the case and they followed leads throughout the morning. By sunrise on April 23rd, SPD investigatory leads led to search warrants being executed on 214 Delaware Avenue. Once officers made entry into the home, Nahmir Bundy was found in the home’s basement in possession of several of the items stolen from the residents. Dixon and Moore were observed outside of the residence by police just before they made entry into the house. Further investigation, revealed the extent of Bundy’s, Moore’s and Dixon’s involvement in this crime.

Darrell Lamont Dixon pleaded guilty to Conspiracy-Home Invasion, First Degree Assault and Firearm Use During a Crime of Violence on September 1, 2015. Nahmir Tereek Bundy pleaded guilty to Burglary 1st Degree, Armed Robbery (2 counts), and Use of a Firearm in the Commission of a Crime of Violence on September 3, 2015. Bundy is scheduled to be sentenced on October, 15, 2015. Dixon is scheduled to be sentenced on November 2, 2015. Bundy, age 16, will be sentenced as an adult.

This case was prosecuted by Wicomico County State’s Attorney, Matthew A. Maciarello. Mr. Maciarello commends the brave victims in this case who participated in the Salisbury Police Department investigation and Defendant’s trial. Maciarello further commends the men and women of the Salisbury City Police Department (including Lead Detective, A.J. Foy) who worked diligently to ensure that the offenders were brought to justice in this case.


  1. I wonder if the home owners are now the proud new owner's of shiny new 9MM pistols?

  2. WOW some of the City of Salisbury's outstanding youth...NOT! Now we can house and feed them...this is the life style they choose, easy to live off what other people work hard to get. Home owner should have busted caps on them as they entered one at a time!

  3. Three thugs off the street!

  4. Too bad they weren't killed in the act.

  5. Again, another example of the scum that used to reside only on the west side of the wicomico river. The creeping cancer coming to a neighborhood near you.
    Great job SPD!

  6. Should have been shot in the act.

  7. Should have been shot in the act.

  8. I loved the part where it said "....they FOUND THEMSELVES (emphasis mine) checking cars....".
    SHOULD have said "...while casing other vehicles for things they could steal from them, too...."

  9. Rumor has it that the SPD tried to keep this out of media because of where it occurred. Neighbors were outraged by it and it eventually made the news.

  10. Chief duncant's street

  11. Sent them to Syria with one -way tickets.

  12. what about the idiot that left a gun in his truck? please tell me that this man has lost his right to own a weapon forever!

  13. "Found themselves" looting cars?

    Seriously? How about if they "found themselves" beaten, tarred and feathered, and dumped on the sheriff's department doorstep?

    There is a problem here, and throughout this country. And a pandering, thugfawning media is fueling it.

  14. Thugs who are going to jail.

  15. Anonymous said...
    WOW some of the City of Salisbury's outstanding youth...NOT! Now we can house and feed them...this is the life style they choose, easy to live off what other people work hard to get. Home owner should have busted caps on them as they entered one at a time!

    September 30, 2015 at 3:58 PM

    That's easy to until you are sound asleep and didn't know what was going on. Then getting startled and shatting your bed. Who would know where to look for their gun at that point.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Again, another example of the scum that used to reside only on the west side of the wicomico river. The creeping cancer coming to a neighborhood near you.
    Great job SPD!

    September 30, 2015 at 5:45 PM

    You can bet Jim Ireton is the blame for this! Do not vote for this creep!

  17. Anonymous said...
    Should have been shot in the act.

    September 30, 2015 at 5:56 PM

    I couldn't agree more

  18. Butt, Butt, Butt crime is down. Just ask your new mare!!

  19. A vote for Jim Ireton is a vote for more crime.

  20. Funny how this stuff never makes head lines until after a conviction. What is up with SPD and other departments withholding information from the community they serve. If the State's Attorney's Office did not put out press releases we would never know what is going on in our neighborhoods. Is this some new policy Joe ? Great job SPD put these thugs above the fold next time when they are arrested. Something does not add up in this city.

  21. Thanks go out to the police, the prosecutor, the jury and the judge. The victims were two people in their mid to late eighties, sleeping in their bed, awakened by thieves in the middle of the night and held at gunpoint.
    The perps got what they deserved. If they had not been apprehended, they'd have done it again to someone else, pumped up by their recent success and accompanied by a weapon.
    I have to agree with the previous commenter - what idiot leaves an unsecured gun in an unsecured vehicle? Nice work -- if the people had been injured or killed, this would have been partly on you.

  22. These boys wander up and down Riverside Drive on bikes all of the time asking for money and cussing you out when you say no. Making threatening gestures. Won't be bothered by them for awhile.

  23. 8:07 if I leave my gun on my front porch it still ain't theirs to take.

  24. You break into my house I won't call the police, I call the undertaker.

  25. I can see 3 months probation for each

  26. For all those criminal loving and excuse making sheep, "leaving your car unlocked", or property "out in the open", is NOT a reason for stealing.
    Start putting the blame for crime on CRIMINALS, not the victims.
    Start treating criminals like CRIMINALS, not "victims".
    Commit one of dozens of misdemeanors, or violate certain statutes (not even a CONVICTION!) and one can be barred FOR LIFE from owning a gun. At age 18, some bureaucrat gets to take away your CONSTITUTIONAL right for the rest of your life! Free speech and the right to assemble could be next. What do YOU do??? Cheer like the Nazi's just won a senate seat.
    I'm for BARRING FOR LIFE any welfare benefits, disability payments, and free housing, for anyone convicted of some of those same crimes.
    "We, the people" should not be forced to fund the "I don't have anything else to do but rob, assault, and run the streets" crowd while we run a gauntlet of revenue agents making sure the working people toe the line. And pay the fine.
    Your "leaders"? I'd bar them for life from "representing" anything, too.
    We didn't get to this place by accident, you know.
    Keep cheering (THAT'S how we got here....).

  27. We need to patrol our neighborhoods with weapons and run out the criminal element.


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