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Sunday, October 04, 2015

New Maryland law expands expungements

People who've found themselves in trouble with the law are getting a second chance due to three new laws taking effect Thursday.

A new law is on the books that expands expungements and people are taking advantage of it.

People lined up outside New Psalmist Baptist Church for a chance to talk to legal experts about changing their lives. Todd Eller was among them with a pot possession charge from 2008.

"I'm unemployed, so I know it's going to come up in a background check, which it has before. Some employers are very concerned with that so if I have a chance to get it shielded or expunged, it would be good for me personally," Eller said.

At the clinic, residents are finding out if they have a conviction that can be shielded, meaning it's taken away from the public view, but not law enforcement.



  1. If anyone hasn't committed any new crimes in x number of years, their record should be wiped clean. Stop holding it over their head and making them a target.

    1. Really ? I bet if someone raped you kid you would have a different tune ?

    2. Seriously? Your talking rape. Don't be foolish. A person who's been in a fist fight ten years ago shouldn't have that held against them. Or a pot charge. Your an idiot to compare rape to minor charges.

  2. Commit a crime collect $200 and go.Monopoly.

  3. This is just another money making sceem, you can't get the expungement unless you Pay for it to be examined and removed.

  4. If there such Minor crimes why arrest people in the first place well heck then theres no need for police lets go back to the tombstone cowboy era, yeeeeeeee ha.

  5. This needs to be a national law.

  6. If they were found NOT guilty - it should be gone from everybody. If they were not convicted (yes, there is a difference), it should be gone from everybody but law enforcement. If they were convicted of a violent crime, they should carry that forever! Some non-violent crimes that show a character flaw (fraud, extortion, etc.) should stay forever also.....

  7. What you have done in your life fortunately or unfortunately is part of you and your history. Your mistakes in life either make you better or make you worse. Your actions will always be on record, that is a fact of life. You can't erase what you have done, just be accountable for your actions.

  8. The local sex offender got his name off the list on the web and is now buying his way to expungement so he can teach again.

  9. what useful purpose does keeping a record serve? if someone makes a mistake or two while young they have to pay for that the rest of their lives? It kind of lowers the incentive for people to do right does it not? Americans are really into punishment and torture. We lock up the most people on the planet, yet foolishly claim we are a free nation. We also claim we are the champions of civil rights and humanity. Hogwash.

  10. I feel that ANYONE ever convicted of a crime "ONCE" and been clean and lived a straight life afterwards say like 15- 20 years that they be allowed to have it expunged and or removed from any and all case search and only be open to Law Enforcement ONLY.

  11. Anonymous said...
    The local sex offender got his name off the list on the web and is now buying his way to expungement so he can teach again.

    October 2, 2015 at 2:58 PM

    Name names please!!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    what useful purpose does keeping a record serve? if someone makes a mistake or two while young they have to pay for that the rest of their lives? It kind of lowers the incentive for people to do right does it not? Americans are really into punishment and torture. We lock up the most people on the planet, yet foolishly claim we are a free nation. We also claim we are the champions of civil rights and humanity. Hogwash.

    October 2, 2015 at 7:25 PM

    What crimes have you committed?

  13. 7:25
    It's called accountability. Something everyone should take serious. If we keep allowing them to get a free pass things will not get better.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    what useful purpose does keeping a record serve? if someone makes a mistake or two while young they have to pay for that the rest of their lives? It kind of lowers the incentive for people to do right does it not? Americans are really into punishment and torture. We lock up the most people on the planet, yet foolishly claim we are a free nation. We also claim we are the champions of civil rights and humanity. Hogwash.

    October 2, 2015 at 7:25 PM

    What crimes have you committed?

    October 2, 2015 at 9:04 PM

    thanks for confirming my point.

  15. It's called accountability. Something everyone should take serious. If we keep allowing them to get a free pass things will not get better.

    October 3, 2015 at 2:44 PM

    How is anyone getting a free pass if they have a record?

    Stupid people just drain me.

  16. 11:36
    Maybe it is your stupidity that drains you. We can't allow people to keep doing what they are doing and then hiding it so they can continue to live their life like they did no wrong. You are accountable for your actions. There are consequences for your actions. Doing something then wanting to have it expunged is nonsense.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Maybe it is your stupidity that drains you. We can't allow people to keep doing what they are doing and then hiding it so they can continue to live their life like they did no wrong. You are accountable for your actions. There are consequences for your actions. Doing something then wanting to have it expunged is nonsense.

    October 5, 2015 at 11:46 AM

    no sir, it's people like you who open their pie holes without even knowing what it is they are trying to talk about. you probably didn't even read the article and if you did you sure didn't understand it.


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