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Sunday, October 04, 2015

WATCH LIVE: President Obama speaks on Oregon shooting

President Obama delivers a statement from the White House Briefing Room at 6:20 p.m. ET on the shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, where 10 to 15 people were reportedly killed. Watch live on Fox News and FoxNews.com.



  1. Joe wanna bet $$$ the killer was a muslim why else would he ask WHATS YOUR RELIGION. ..?

  2. I would listen to what he had to say but I don't care.

  3. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Obama has turned this tragedy political even going as far as instructing people who they should vote for i.e. anti gun candidates.
    He so crude, but it is to be expected. Born to a white trash slut mother, a typical absent African American father and dumped off with his white trash low class grandparents.
    I hope to hell everyone keeps on referring to him as the "First African American President" because the blacks can have him! Whites have enough losers of their own.

  4. This thick-headed POSOTUS politicized the entire tragedy.

    The shooting happened in a gun-free zone...that law worked out great for the shooter - nobody would be there to stop him.

    Then Ofailure started spouting numbers to support his position - which any small amount of fact checking would reveal to be complete Moochelle-shit.

    The only intelligent thing he said was to be careful who you vote for!

  5. At the time he spoke, I wonder if it was known whether or not the shooter obtained the firearm legally, stole it, lied on the NICS form, or????

  6. another rainbow attack. we know Lottle to no details or any information. His abuses of power are routine..something's really fishy with this one. but of course he's already come on TV pleading to us to surrender our guns this guy is ridiculous.

  7. 6:18 you beat me to it!!!! Everytime this idiot opens his pie hole it's to put his 18 inch shoe in it.

  8. I bet obama wouldn't live in a gun free WH.

  9. WHY isn't his name released yet ????????
    Muslim cover up.

  10. Yet another opportunity to repeal the 2nd amendment. What if someone there had a concealed weapon to fight back? How many lives would have been saved? Don't fall for commie propaganda.

  11. makes you go HmmmmmmOctober 1, 2015 at 8:34 PM

    Ask obama about the 6000 murders in his own state since he is Prez ..???

  12. Fox
    Student witness stated the gunman asked if your a Christian and said yes he shot you in the head if yiu said No he shit you in the leg,

    My bet he is Muslim this is why the media wont show his name 7 hrs later
    He is a white muslim Sympathizer.

  13. Chris Harper Mercer is his name. I did see a supposed picture of him and despite the waspy sounding name if it is him, he does look middle eastern.

  14. " Anonymous makes you go Hmmmmmm said...

    Ask obama about the 6000 murders in his own state since he is Prez ..???

    October 1, 2015 at 8:34 PM"

    It's because it's just blacks killing off each other. Obama could care less if blacks kill each other because he feels they serve no purpose except for votes and he figures the way they multiply if 1000's kill each other off a year the new ones being born make up the difference.

  15. Joe Here's the shooter myspace.


  16. Chris Matthew mercer.


  17. OMG We must change the gun laws... This is the umpteenth mass shooting in a "Gun Free" Zone in the last few years. We must get rid of those incredibly dangerous "Gun Free Zones". They are killing too many people.

    If guns were the problem, wouldn't mass shootings be occurring in gun shows and other locations with lots of armed people? At the Gun Rights Policy Conference this past weekend, a presidential candidate gave a speech to a crowd that included an estimated 200+ armed citizens and NO ONE was shot. Another speaker commented that it was probably the safest place in Phoenix that day.

    I would also like to ask why Obamao is so anxious to jump in front of a camera to comment when one of these happen but never a word about the number of people murdered by his constituents back in Chitcongo on a weekly basis?

  18. 9:10 he looks middle eastern because he is listed as "Mixed Race", in police report, he was the same mix as Obama! This is a "Hate Crime", his school admitting records list him as "Black", his victims were all white.

  19. The Illegal Muslim from Kenya used this as part of his agenda to disarm Americans so that we can't protect ourselves. WTF.

    The mix breed was a muslim and had muslim connections on Myspace. This POS was probably set of by the Muslim Administration at the WH and CAIR. That is why it took all day to say who the killer was.

    1. Yup and its why the Msm isn't in a rush to post a pic of him ,the phone call was made by the WH i am sure.

  20. they never mention the fact that the situation was defused with ,,,, get this , a gun

  21. I noticed that most channels didn't have his speech , we just don't give a crap what he says.

  22. obama said the gun did it all by itself. And once we ban guns , this problem will end.........just like it did when Chicago banned guns.

  23. I speculate on the Islam connection, mainly due to the ferocity & speed which Obama came out against gun-control and such, all to deflect attention away from the matter of faiths, and to make it into something more dear to his insane mind.

  24. from NBC News... "at one point the shooter told people to stand up before asking whether they were Christian or not."

    "anyone who responded "yes" was shot in the head. If they said "other" or didn't answer, they were shot elsewhere in the body, usually the leg."

    ok, hands up... how many people think that GUN CONTROL is going to fix this sort of thing???

    i know... let's sue another bakery for being Christian

    that was sarcasm in case you didn't get it

    this is an OUTRAGE that this is going on in the USA!

    and the POS POTUS is spewing about gun control


  25. Its Amazing ,if it was a Redneck that killed muslims CNN would be all over it 24/ 7 but since it a muslim killing Christians it Low key


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