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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Hudson Center vs. Health Department: It's Amazing What Happens When You Remove The Politics

Yesterday I wrote an article about the heroin petition that's been going around. While there's been some very interesting discussions through comments, MOST people, (especially addicts and or former addicts) have it ALL WRONG.

After doing even more research on this matter I hit the mother load of information. 

It turns out the public and especially heroin addicts are completely mislead about what is actually available and how to go about getting the best results.

I'll start with the Health Department. They are a Government Agency who is open from 9 to 5, five days a week. This agency is required to follow very strict state guidelines, all of which I have come to learn are absolutely ridiculous, allow me to explain. 

Let's say you are an addict and you go to the Health Department during their mandated hours. The Health Department is going to tell you that you need to meet with them regularly for counseling, your going to have to fill out forms to get state funded health insurance, (unless you already have health insurance) your going to have to pay to get a physical from a doctor, your going to have to get on a two week waiting list to get state funded methadone and yes, they'll even tell you you'll be placed on a waiting list to get into the Hudson Center. In the mean time you will be tested regularly to make sure you are no longer using.

Now keep in mind, ALL the while you must remain clean for TWO WEEKS with absolutely no methadone. If you have ever known someone addicted to heroin, well, IF they can stay clean for those two weeks, what the heck is the Hudson Center going to do for you at that point other then to get educated on why you should remain clean and how. At that point the drugs are already out of your system and you are well on your way to recover, IF you truly want to get clean.

NOW, once you do all the things they require, guess what, once you are accepted into the Hudson Center, YOU WILL ONLY GET A 14 DAY STAY THERE. WHY, because that's all the insurance companies will allow and pay for. So the two week statement in comments is true BUT there's a LOT more you didn't know.

Let's now talk about the Hudson Center and the options ADDICTS are unfortunately NOT aware of. 

Take the exact same scenario above and only change one thing. GO DIRECTLY TO THE HUDSON CENTER! I don't care if you are broke, have no insurance whatsoever, it's after 5 PM or before 9 AM, the Hudson Center is open to help you 24/7 and will accept you right then and there. The myth of there being no beds available is only the case when you are trying to go through the Health Department. Mind you, there may be a rare occasion their beds are full but from what I've learned the Hudson Center only reserves eight beds for the state and the rest are available for local addicts. 

Oh, get this! No insurance, you show up at their door at 11 PM, you get to stay there for THIRTY DAYS! 

There's an incredible difference between a private entity, (Hudson Center) and a public one, (Health Department). Once you remove the POLITICS everything immediately gets better. 

So PLEASE, get this information out to everyone you know because most of everything being spread around right now is just not true. If you or a friend or a loved one needs help, go directly to the Hudson Center and bypass the Health Department.

In closing, I have nothing against the Health Department. They are simply following state protocol and doing their jobs. However, in my honest opinion there's obviously a much better way to get immediate help. 

Good Luck


  1. Sorry, JOE, people in this city and state are to fat and lazy and stupid to do research, and run with the research you do for them...

    It amazes me how stupid these people really are, and when the govt said they re needed to run the lives of people because they are to stupid to do so on their own, I BELIEVE THE GOVT when it says that!!! The proof come right from the people themselves,Stupid and lazy and if you say anything that goes against what they were taught even if what they were taught is a lie, they resort to name calling only because they know deep down they are the cause just as much as the next guy...

    Not to get off topic here, but it is like the cop lovers, they worship blindly the cops and as the cops murder and commit crimes, and shoots someone in the back unarmed, they say well at least another black person is dead, or one less person to suck of the system and the best one, the guy deserved to die because he had a 40 year old weed charge, and the real funny part is, all these cop overs out here break the law every single day...

    IT is always, what is good for the goose is NOT good for the gander...

    When you are complicit, you are not better than the guy committing the crimes...

  2. My grandmother always said "You got yourself in it, then get yourself out of it". Can't depend on these programs first and foremost. You depend on yourself.

    Secondly, you can get off Heroin without Methadone program. Even if you decided to be on the "Methadone" program. Itwasn't designed to continually keep people on Methadone. Methadone was designed to WEAN OFF IT AND BECOME 100% DRUG FREE. Now it seems, Wicomico County program is KEEPING THEM ON METHADONE! Is it for the money??? Probably.

  3. Drug treatment is prevalent and a huge issue for many familes (and overall society via crime, economics, etc),however, it is drastically underfunded. Same for mental health treatment. Politiocians don't want their names attached to allocating funds for "those people" for fear that they may lose support (votes.) Unfortunately "those people" are our family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers.......
    I have worked as a treatment provider on the lower shore for many years.
    I see that you have called and asked how to secure treatment at each of these agencies. While, on paper, this may be how it is presented there are some things that do not actual play out. When there are no beds.....there are no beds. It won't matter if you show up at a local health dept or on Hudson's steps with your pj's and a toothbrush.
    There are no detox beds for heroin because a medical detox is not warranted for this drug. Detox beds are utilized to medically detox those with alcohol or benzo addictions. Patients can die from the withdrawal issues with these drugs. With heroin, patients have withdrawal symptoms that are very unpleasant but not life threatening.
    Once a patient is detoxed they are then transfered into a 28 day REHAB stay.
    There are many barriers to treatment. One of the biggest barriers to treatment is motivation. There is no magic wand that gets waved when someone enters a treatment program. The magic has to come from the patient as they make the decision to change their course. Without that component the professionals and support staff are babysitting.
    There can also be magic in support - from family, friends, co-workers,community,churches and politicians/funding.
    I would like to challenge anyone reading this to think of folks in their circle who have struggled/still struggle with addiction. Now think of something positive yopu can do to encourage, support or celebrate their efforts. Get educated on stigma....it hugely impacts treatment.

  4. Hate to say it but downtown is starting to look like a drug haven with all the low lifes walking the streets.
    The Health Department certainly does not help the situation with it being right on Main Street and I guess this is where a lot of them go for the "meth"?? Or is that the hospital?
    I don't care what they say - until the druggies, homeless, etc etc are taken off the street, downtown Salisbury will
    continue to look basically like poverty junction!

    1. Your ignorance is astounding. You have no idea what addicts go through...as a recovering addict who was once ON THE STREET and who now has 3 years clean, a home, a car, a job and is putting myself through school I am glad to say that not everyone views addicts as you do...as "low lifes" otherwise I probably would not have the fulfilling life I have today.

  5. These people CAN NOT be coddled!!!!!!! Sick and tired of making this the TAXPAYERS, HARDWORKING PEOPLE problem!!

    MEDICAID ISN'T ENDLESS! Same people in and out, in and out of the same programs and still on HEROIN at the Taypayer's Dime!

    Sick of it!! They should have to pay it back to the STATE. They did it to thenmselves!

  6. the goal with methadone is to wean people off....is that happening....don't think so...think they are just giving higher and higher doses

  7. I haven't worked at Wicomico Health Department, but I have worked at others in the area. All I want to say is do not blame the health department. Most people who work in the health department are taking orders from STATE mandated programs. If you are upset at all about how the STATE is handling things through the local health departments, take it up with the STATE. Health Department employees are simply being told what to do by the state, and usually the programs that are run are evidence-based. How it works is that the state health department looks at statistics for the state and determines what grants the county health departments can apply for and they tell the county health departments to apply for them. I'm not saying what they are doing is right, I'm just letting you know that it's probably not Wicomico health department's decision to do this program.

  8. I took in a young lady who's parents got her hooked on Heroin. We took her to the Methadone program and I thought they would up her dose to counter the effects of the withdraw and then start to ween her back down. 5 years later she is still getting her methadone.

    The methadone program just keeps upping the dose with no plan to take it back down. I can only assume that as long as they have a long line for the drug they will still continue to get funding from the state.

    The Lt. Gov wants to look into the problems with addiction in Maryland. I think he should look at how the Health Department runs its operation. It certainly is not helpful to those who are battling this addiction.

  9. Wanting to stop using is the only thing that works. It's not just getting off the drug. It's a whole lifestyle change. It starts with throwing away you cell phone, getting off FB in other words get rid of the friends who are using. Then you have to find a hobby. Doesn't have to be anything big just something like cooking or baking or reading, gardening. Something you enjoy that keeps your mind occupied and yourself busy. Staying home is important and only allowing yourself to be around people who do not use. Start getting up early so you go to bed early. Get 'addicted' to some TV shows.
    All the programs are BS. It's you. You are in charge of your life and the decisions you make. Recovery is a big business which puts lots of money into the pockets of many people. They get nervous when beds aren't full or no one's in line for methadone. Don't be fooled. Addiction is not a disease. It is a choice you make that leads you into a black horrible world that's a lot harder to get out of then get in.

    1. Very well stated. As a mother of a recovering heroin addict, you hit the nail on the head.

  10. Think they care, yeh right! funding! jobs! rice bowls! GOB!!! all rolled into one! its a gravy train of waste and proof the government is incompetent! Guess US control of Afganistad warloads has something to do with it! Follow the money!!

  11. The national news just stated there are 120 overdose deaths per day in the United States. That's more deaths then automotive deaths.

  12. My daughter says that the Health Department's only goal is to bust people for probation violations. She is a recovering addict and has learned the ropes the hard way. The "System" we have is horribly broken, and Joe, I believe you when you say it is all designed to continue the profits from Judicial, police, and the rehab businesses.

    Big business trumps recovery every day here.

  13. I think that addicts should go to a long program such as teen challenge. They help people get clean stay clean and teach them how to live with out drugs . They help u mind body and soul. It's not about just pissing clean it's about thinking clean as well u have to have the mind right also. They are a year long program. They do not treat u with a drug replacing a drug like some places. It's about changing your life completely forgot the better.

  14. Antiquated baloney treatment by the health department.

  15. I hope the Hudson Center has implemented a better screening process for their so-called drug counselors. They employed an ex-con, registered sex offender to counsel addicts. He attacked women addicts at the center, was arrested and sent back to jail. This is a fact as I know this man and his wife and they profess to be devout Christians from Somerset County.

  16. I prefer Warwick Manor. Better treatment all around.

  17. You have said am it of good things. But got a lot of your info wrong. The health dep help save my husband and sisters life. The health dep does not make the waiting list. Hudson health services put you on a wait no matter how you contact them. And your insurance company is the ones that determines if you stay 14 or 28 days.... some times 21 days. Not Hudson or the health dep. ... And most of all where you got your info about the methadone program is totally messed up because who ever told you that an addict has to be clean for two weeks must not know anything about the methadone program. They work with you a lot. But you must be willing to help your self first!!!!

  18. The Wicomico County health dept is a joke, all they care about is the almighty dollar. I know someone that was trying to do right and get the help they needed and didn't want any other drugs in their system and Frank Percelli (spelling) at the Health Dept kept pushing the methadone program and all that is, is another drug for someone to be addicted to, it doesn't help. The Hudson center needs programs to help someone prevent relapse. I saw what this person was going through trying to get help and kept getting knocked down. I tried to help them, but the programs in Wicomico Co.need to be changed. They need someone that has been through it and recovered so they would understand what the person is going through, not someone like Frank who was a Construction worker and never been there or done that.He's too quick to make someone non compliant for trying to move away to get the right help they needed. Wonder Why there are so many in Wicomico Co still addicted. Because they can't find a program willing to help them. Some of these programs won't take you unless you test positive for drugs, so they keep using hoping they will get in a program, that doesn't help. If you want to get clean get out of Wicomico County. They don't care!

  19. I believe more research must be done. For example, the health department is not only open from 9-5 Monday through Friday, they are also open in the evening for groups, mental health, etc. Furthermore, you cannot just show up at Hudson Center and expect to get a bed for no money. My son wanted to go inpatient to get off of the opiates (which were prescribed by his doctor by the way) and the only way they would accept him was if he paid the co payment up front of close to $3000. Needless to say, they would not accept him because he did not have that type of money, and I didn't either. If people want to be weaned off methadone, they have to ask to be weaned off of methadone. And finally, someone posted that they were tired of all the hardworking taxpayers footing the bill for this. Guess what - there are many hardworking taxpayers who are addicted to opiates.

  20. My apologies. I was incorrect about the sex offender at Hudson. It was a different facility. My error but still unacceptable hiring policies for the other clinic.

  21. Jesus Christ is the only answer, this is the truth. Many people in the world do not agree but it is the truth.

  22. Wow...the judgment from many of you is astounding. Motivation is the problem in recovery? Let me ask you, and be honest, have you ever battled heroin? No? Then shut up. You have NO CLUE what addicts go through! As if they ENJOY sticking needles in their arm, as if they enjoy selling their bodies to fund their habit, as if they enjoy being in and out of jail, as if they enjoy the fact that their ENTIRE life is consumed by how they're going to get their next fix, as if they enjoy the isolation that comes from addiction, as if they enjoy the constant sense of failure they feel from disappointing all of those they love...Get REAL! How does that makes sense? Many addicts are carrying around childhood trauma that they don't know how to deal with. They are often victims of some form of abuse and have not learned any coping skills on how to overcome that trauma. They need HELP, not ignorant, misinformed, self righteous, and judgmental people telling them how easy it is and how they're just too lazy to quit. Get real. Until you've walked a mile in their shoes, try a little compassion and at least try to understand that you don't understand. They need HELP. You don't have to enable them. You don't have to co-sign their addiction. Just understand that you don't understand and pray that they get the help they need. Before you criticize and judge, remember all that God has forgiven YOU for and humble yourself. No sin is greater than the other and until you are perfect, shut the heck up.

  23. In the Florida Keys I used to see people in small simple sailboats sailing around the islands, and was told that they were in a recovery program where they camped, fished, and gathered their own meals in the unoccupied islands kind if like the "Survivor" show.They learn how to live and be self sufficient,get a sense of pride and worth out of it.

    I thought it was a good idea.

    More of this needs to happen.


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