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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Canadian woman who wants to end workplace discrimination of piercings and how they dress. Meet Kendra.

“You never know how good someone's going to be at the job, unless you look at their credentials instead of just looking at their face.”

Hundreds have already signed the online petition, which moves to make it illegal to not hire someone based on hair colour, haircut, tattoos or piercings.

However, Hilary Predy with Adecco, which helps clients hire staff, said it is not that straightforward.

While she says clients are more accepting of visible modifications now than they have been in the past, it is still important for prospective employees to consider the tone and environment of a workplace when applying for a job.

“When people involve themselves with larger piercings, larger tattoos, they are probably going to be looking at a different type of environment, a different type of clientele,” she said.



  1. She can dress however she wants and have all the tattoos and piercings she desires, that is her choice. I have the choice to not associate with her in any way.

  2. Regardless, If I were an employer, I would never hire her. Especially if the job represents the company or public sector. It's unprofessional!

  3. This slob is disgusting and in no way would I allow anyone who looks like this to represent me or my company. Like the ear lobes with 2&1/2 " holes. Wtf?

  4. Freakin fruitcake.

    The great thing about capitalism is, if you see a problem/need in the current workplace, you can start your own business and attract like-minded individuals.

  5. Replies
    1. Obviously not a trick lol.

    2. Why would you want to be noticed if your UGLY.

  6. I don't know about that, 1:08. If I owned a costume business or a circus I would hire her in a heartbeat.

  7. 1:57 You got me on that one!!! LOL!

  8. She might be able to get a job with the City of Salisbury.
    Otherwise, people don't go to restaurants that have bad food or businesses that they find the employees distasteful or offensive.

  9. Laura Mitchell on Halloween.
    Or that fool sara Big lake.

  10. Ireton has a place for it on his team.

  11. she should run for mayor of slumsbury md

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She might be able to get a job with the City of Salisbury.
    Otherwise, people don't go to restaurants that have bad food or businesses that they find the employees distasteful or offensive.

    October 22, 2015 at 2:08 PM

    Yeah I thought that was Julia Glanz or Chris Demone.

  13. Bleach her hair blonde, put some overalls on her and maybe lose a tooth or two and she would fit right in on the Shore.

  14. 1:57 has it; but that's how limited her employment opportunities are now!

  15. I hope Canada doesn't get as stupid as we are.She needn't think that chumming this photo all over the US will further her cause.We have enough clowns not even counting those in the circus.

  16. After graduation from clown school, she should be able to get a job at a .....circus. LOL

  17. Why scare the kids and repel the older people as you serve those burgers?

  18. I would hire her because she might have the most brilliant mind on Wallstreet and make me a lot of money.She can stay home as far as I care just as long as she is on my payroll.See we hire our stupid friends and stupid family members and they destroy our profits.Family and friends hiring have destroyed AMERICA.

  19. This is Kendra Behringer. Found this when trying to explain to my friend how reverse google image search works, using my picture as an example.

    Just want to clear the air, the petition is NOT about how people dress, at all. It's strictly about tattoos, piercings, and hair color. I do believe a uniform is something someone should submit to wearing for a job and following dress code. This picture was taken at the pride parade and I only ever dressed like this once. Go to google images and search my name, you can see a few pictures of how I actually dress.

    1. Kendra..... Seems like you troll the internet looking to see how famous your becoming. Your agenda is terrible. To make a place such as an extremely nice restaurant with $200 plates hire a waiter with tattoos on their faces and stretched earlobes is unthinkable. Nobody wants to see that. Not and eat. Or for any other reason. Your forcing your personal lifestyle down business peoples throats. While you reserve the right to freedom of speech and expression ,we value our right to not be forced to hire and be represented by folks who look like you. My employees are a reflection of myself and what I want my business to represent. I am hoping and praying for your failure so that we American people do not have to use your model as guidelines the way many laws are enacted nowadays. Your success would only be another thing we would have to inevitably deal with as business owners here in America.

  20. Hire her at Walmart she'll fit right in.


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