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Sunday, October 25, 2015

It Looks Like West Salisbury Will Be Getting A New School

It looks like we'll be getting a new school at W. Salisbury, and it will cost taxpayers less than expected. During...
Posted by Marc Kilmer, Wicomico County Council on Wednesday, October 21, 2015


  1. OOPS. big f will be peed off now.

  2. 4.6 million less? WTF was the estimate?
    We'll see how this pans out.

  3. I don't mind if new schools are built, but we don't need palaces. Bennett High School and Bennett Middles cost about $150 million total. Why does Frederickson and the BOE think money is NO object. Good Schools can be built at half the cost of what the two new schools cost. The BOE doesn't care, its all about money; its not for the children.

  4. bet this reduction wouldn't have happened without Culver challenging them. Still not sure a remodel wouldn't be better, but good for Culver for saving the taxpayers some $$$$!

  5. Hogan and Board of Public Works want to see more remodels and less new build. They are tired of not maintaining what we have. Wicomico could have set an example for state by rehabbing this school and saving the tax payers.

  6. Funny what happens when someone tells the BOE, "NO!" Thank you, Mr. Culver. Careful though, they probably intend to slip the higher and higher costs in later....when no one is looking. Just like when they posted for the public their plans for relocating central offices to repurposed schools, then leased space at Northgate Dr. Poof, Magic! Say one thing; do another!

  7. Wait until the overrun, upgrades and change lists come in during construction.
    It will easily double expenditures and that "savings" will be in the negative.
    I guarantee it

    1. Of course!

      Because it's..."for the CHILDREN"!

  8. 1:37PM

    I put put the schools entire budget up with that, saying that its accurate and they WILL indeed go over budget with change orders and field changes... IT is a grantee to happen... Most contractors do that anyway because they make more money secretly... A lot of times the change order is bogus...

  9. Don't forget if you were watching an noticed they duped the County Council by saying they were going to fit the building for 650 kid but it will only house 350. Duh, just like they dumped the Northgate Central office on the Executive and the County Council they are going to redistrict and put 650 kids in that building at the expense of disappointed parents. Mark my word.

  10. Still a HIGH price for COMMON CORE TEACHINGS.

  11. ALL BS. They always tell us it will cost less then long and behold in the end it doubles. Then the excuses come out. Bhaaaaaaaaaa. Say the dumb sheep of Salisbury.

  12. Oh goody, goody. It's $4.6 M LESS.

    That's like buying 3 extra bottles of Italian salad dressing because you have a coupon for 20 cents off.

    Seriously, how much "off" would it be if we DID NOT build?

  13. While I agree with most posters who state there will be cost overruns, higher price materials, etc. my first question is IF this is the truth and that's a BIG if coming from the Board of Education (the truth), why did they LIE previously and say the cost was going to be higher? What were they padding the bill hoping to steal and get away with??? I believe they still plan on stealing this money.

    As a taxpayer, I know two things about this county: 1) the BOE are liars, 2) I do not believe nor trust anyone on the council EXCEPT Joe Holloway, who I believe is an honest gentleman.

  14. The must have dumped the local architect guild for someone from elsewhere.

  15. Mark Kilmer Said...

    The Board of Education worked to find those savings. I look forward to seeing this project proceed.


    There are no savings when you are building a new school vs. renovations. Funny how Mr. Conservative "Looks forward to seeing this project proceed."

    Makes me think Kilmer isn't really a conservative after all.

  16. New school should be out in the county, not in the city.


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