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Thursday, October 01, 2015

Former Lawmaker Gets 6 Months In Jail For Breaking Probation

BALTIMORE (WJZ)–Former Maryland State Delegate Don Dwyer is spending the next 6 months in jail after being sentenced today for violating his probation.

WJZ’s Pat Warren has more on Dwyer’s case.

In 2012 Don Dwyer crashes his boat into another vessel on the Magothy River, injuring 6 people, four of them children, and himself.

A year later Dwyer gets charged again, this time for drunk driving.

“You fall off the wagon. That’s what happened essentially between the time of my boat accident and my DUI charge,” Dwyer told WJZ during a previous interview. “I will never again get behind the wheel of a vehicle if I have been drinking. Odds are I probably won’t drink another drop of alcohol as long as I live because it almost killed me and it certainly almost destroyed my career.”



  1. "Odds are I probably won’t drink another drop of alcohol as long as I live because it almost killed me and it certainly almost destroyed my career.”

    Your life doesn't matter you self centered POS. I supported you until I just read this comment. They first thing you should have said is it almost killed those 4 children(that time).

  2. I agree 11:37! Only concerned about himself.
    Anyone who allow even one drop of alcohol to pass their lips and then drives has an alcohol problem. If you know you are going to be driving then forego even that one glass of wine or a beer with dinner and if you can't then you are a drunk and need to address and confront your problem.

  3. I mean look at his pathetic face, he looks like a dirt bag who is no good for anyone...

    ONE DAY you clowns will come across the guy who will dish out the like of which you have never seen and I hope you come across that one guy soon... and may he take you out...

  4. When in office wasn't he the big anti gay guy? Protected families and all that.......figures.


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