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Thursday, October 01, 2015

Rand: My Tax Plan The Only One That Eliminates Payroll Tax, Trump's 'Will Continue A Lot of The Cronyism'

Kentucky Senator and Republican presidential candidate
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) touted his tax plan over those of his GOP rivals on Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Wolf.”

Asked about fellow Republican candidate Donald Trump’s tax plan, Rand stated, “I think my tax plan is better. I get rid of all 70,000 pages of the tax code. I have one single rate, 14.5% for individuals, and 14.5% for corporations. I also do something that no other tax plan does, and I get rid of the payroll tax. So, every working class American will have a couple thousand dollars left in their paycheck. So, I like our plan better. It’s simpler. His plan will continue a lot of the cronyism, and a lot of the special interest politics that go with the tax code. Ours would eliminate all of that, and you can file your tax return on one single postcard.”

1 comment:

  1. I really don't think sending a postcard with your SSN on it is very smart. Think a little harder, Rand.


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