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Thursday, October 01, 2015

Britain's Cameron slams Obama

British Prime Minister David Cameron challenged President Obama with some blunt talk on Islamist extremism Tuesday during a U.N. summit to develop an international strategy for defeating the Islamic State and other terrorist groups.

Well aware that Mr. Obama shuns the term “Islamist extremists,” Mr. Cameron reacted strongly at the meeting when the president advised the assembled foreign leaders to avoid profiling Muslims because “violent extremism is not unique to any one faith.”

“Barack, you said it and you’re right — every religion has its extremists,” Mr. Cameron said. “But we have to be frank that the biggest problem we have today is the Islamist extremist violence that has given birth to ISIL, to al Shabaab, to al Nusra, al Qaeda, and so many other groups.” ISIL is an acronym for the Islamic State, also sometimes referred to as ISIS or Daesh.

“We need to make sure we don’t allow the incubation of an extremist world view even before it gets to justifying violence,” Mr. Cameron said. “We’ve got to get it out of our schools, get it out of our prisons, get it out of our universities. I believe in freedom of speech, but freedom to hate is not the same thing.”

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  1. The man knows what he's talking about. The path Obama is taking is the same path England and Europe took 10 years ago. Look what's going on across the pond and it will happen here.

  2. You go David Cameron at least you had the guts to tell him what the rest of us would like to. Given the chance I would certainly tell him but I don't associate with or travel in the same circles that he does.

  3. Cameron take a look at your own country fool England is overun by muslim extremists.

  4. My approach would be that we simply don't believe anything Obama says because he is a compulsive liar. It's so simple. Have a court order his college records unsealed.

  5. Obama is just defending his buddies, Valerie Jarrett is from Iran


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