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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Forbes: GOP Candidates' Ideas More Appealing Than Dems 'Dreary Twaddle'

GOP presidential candidates' proposals to change the federal income tax code and a new "pro-growth" House leadership could lay the foundation for economic reforms surpassing those of President Ronald Reagan, publishing mogul Steve Forbes says.

In a commentary in Forbes, the magazine for which he serves as editor-in-chief, the media executive calls the developments "heartening" for the nation.

"What the Republicans are putting on the table is so much more appealing than the dreary, more-taxes twaddle of the Democrats that there will be a mandate for drastic, pro-growth tax simplification coming out of the 2016 election cycle," Forbes writes.

Forbes hails the federal income tax code changes offered by "almost every Republican White House aspirant" as a path to "enormous stimulant for economic growth."

"After seven lean Obama years of economic stagnation this would be rapturously welcome," he writes.

And, he adds, the new House leadership "will be much more oriented toward pro-growth policies than the outgoing crew," and will "want to do big things regarding taxes, spending and regulation."

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