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Saturday, October 17, 2015

German Town of 100 Must Take 1,000 Syrian Migrants

A German mayor was perplexed Tuesday as to why his small town of approximately 100 people was livid over the arrival of 1,000 Syrian migrants.

The village of Sumte in Lower Saxony gathered for a public meeting Oct. 13. Locals from the rural town wanted to discuss the fallout from Chancellor Angela Merkel’s embrace of migrants fleeing Syria’s civil war and the Islamic State group.

“I did not expect so many interested residents,” Mayor Christian Fabel said, Breitbart London reported Wednesday.

Locals wanted to know how it was logistically possible to handle the needs of incoming migrants, including waste disposal and medical emergencies.

Resident Dirk Hammer said 1,000 was “too many.”

“How do we protect ourselves against crime?” asked one resident.

The mayor said “street lights” would be on at night and new policemen would be hired, the German newspaper Der Spiegel reported Thursday.



  1. So apparently the will of the people is ignored worldwide.

  2. You better get ready this islam BS is a setup

  3. I was always under the impression Angela Merkle was a smart lady but she has proven to the world that she is really stupid. It won't be long befor a Hitler type is voted into office and starts rounding up muslims and shipping them off to consentration camps.This will all be done with support from the majority of the german people. I believe the german people will rise up against Angela Merkle vary shortly.As far as Great Britten goes it may already be too late,they have already given their country over to the muslems....sorry about the spelling.


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