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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Illegals Cost Tennessee Taxpayers Half a Billion

The cost of illegal immigration in Tennessee involves education, health care, law enforcement activities, and other government services. Although many illegal immigrants in the workforce pay taxes, fiscal expenditures surpass the tax revenues, according to research.

An analysis by the Federation for American Immigration Reform found that the burden on Tennessee taxpayers for illegal immigration was $285 million in 2007.

The figure for state and local expenditures jumped to $547 million in Tennessee during FAIR’s 2013 study on the burden of illegal immigration on U.S. taxpayers.

The 2007 study was based on an estimate of 100,000 illegal immigrants in Tennessee. Taxpayers spent some $228 million on the education for children of illegal immigrants, FAIR reported. An additional $27 million was spent on English instruction classes for many of these children.

An estimated $22.7 million a year was spent on medical costs for health care provided to illegal aliens. The estimate did not take into account higher than average medical bills or insurance costs needed to deal with uncompensated costs to hospitals and doctors.



  1. Half a billion , that would make a nice down payment on Trumps fence.

  2. 3:16 Mexico is paying for the fence,remember.

  3. Half a billion dollars? So where's the idjit that's always saying that lettuce would be more expensive if not for the illegals who pick it? I don't think this is an equivalent savings...


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