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Friday, October 30, 2015

Breaking: Hundreds of Students Walk out in Protest Over Officer who was Fired

Amazing. People who were actually at the incident support the officer. It’s almost like cops are not out to get you and they are good people who put their lives on the line to make people safe.
It’s a shame this cop will now have to live the rest of his life viewed as a bigot by liberals and race-baiters. The media is of course largely responsible for how quickly they make things like this spiral out of control, but let’s not kid ourselves, that’s their goal. They certainly never played the other angle of this video that shows the cop acting like anyone in his situation would, after she tried to punch him.
From the Daily Beast via Weasel Zippers:
Hundreds of students walked out of Spring Valley High School in Columbia, South Carolina on Friday morning in support of the deputy sheriff who was fired after violently arresting a black student. Students reportedly chanted “Free Fields” in support of Ben Fields, a school resource officer and football coach who was caught on tape forcibly removing a black student from her desk, allegedly because she was disrupting class. The students walked into the school atrium and then returned to class after administrators addressed them.


  1. Those students need to also beat the troublemaker within an inch of death, she caused it.

    1. Yes, it will take "peer pressure" to help keep her in line. And you

  2. These students have more sense than some adult who were commenting on this site in defense of the disruptive student. Some students actually do want to learn and are in school to do so and not be sidetracked by students whose goal is to turn a classroom into a circus.

  3. 6:57, will said. map

  4. those students are showing real courage.

  5. It was absolutely disgusting and disgraceful that some would take up for her. She was not the victim. The other students who are there to get an education are the victims.

  6. As usual they run their mouths before the facts. They really don't care if they are right or wrong. Just want to run around talking trash about respect and justice. ALL BS!!! GOOD FOR THESE KIDS.

  7. They know how it went down. Hopefully someone who counts will listen.


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