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Friday, October 30, 2015

Michael Savage Compares Black Lives Matter to Nazis, 'Obama's Private Army'

Conservative radio-talk star Michael Savage has launched a blistering attack of "Black Lives Matter," charging the activist group that targets what it says is police brutality against African Americans is the equivalent of Adolf Hitler's brutal "Brownshirt" enforcers.

And, Savage tells "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV, the group acts as President Barack Obama's "secret private army" in pushing his radical liberal agenda on the nation.

"The Black Lives Matter movement, and I'm going to say it like it is, are Obama's shock troops. They're the brown shirts that Hitler had in Germany. How's that? Does that work for you?'' said Savage, author of "Government Zero: No Borders, No Language, No Culture," published by Center Street.



  1. Muslim refugees will take over countries and insert Sharia law everywhere while citizens concerning themselves with social issues that mean nothing.

  2. The "Department of Justice" has been co-opted by Obama and his toadies, to strong-arm individuals, municipalities and organizations of all kinds into sacrificing their freedoms on the altar of Obama-esque, malevolent politics correctness masquerading as "civil
    rights", or worse...."Justice".

    The "BLM" fools, on the other hand, are merely
    third hand pawns, providing the media-worthy gruntage.


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