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Friday, October 30, 2015

Amish Man With No Photo ID Suing Over Denial Of Gun Permit

Well, now, this is an interesting case, and brings up a different issue

(Daily Caller) An Amish man filed a federal suit in Pennsylvania last week because he was not allowed to purchase a gun without proper photo identification, according to The Washington Post.

In the Amish tradition, practicing members cannot have their photo taken. According to the suit, Andrew Hertzler, the plaintiff, “has a sincerely held religious belief that prevents him from knowingly and willingly having his photography taken and stored.”

The case, as The Post points out, highlights the tension between the Second Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) of 1993, which was established to avoid cases such as this. Hertzler, in order to enjoy his Second Amendment rights, would have to violate his faith.

“The exercise of one Constitutional right cannot be contingent upon the violation or waiver of another,” the suit reads.

Mr. Hertzler again attempted to purchase a firearm over the summer, using a government issued non-photo ID, and was again told “no”, because a photo ID was required. So, her reached out to Senator Pat Toomey, who checked with BATF

Toomey heard back from the ATF and sent Hertzler the following response: “As the enclosed response [from the ATF] states, Federal firearm laws require photo identification when purchasing a firearm.There are no exceptions to this federal requirement.”



  1. Unless you're buying out of the trunk of a car on Baltimore city or buying from an Obongo/Killary operative in Benghazi!

  2. "...Shall not be infringed." That means the ATF's "law" is unconstitutional, period.

    Sell him the gun.

  3. 5:35 So, you want a guy who just crossed the border, illegally, to also purchase firearms? He also has no ID.

    These wing bats have no problem violating their faith when it comes to alcohol and sodomizing men, women and children... god forbid he has his picture taken.

    1. California is giving illegal immigrants carry rights. No I.d and they're criminals.

  4. 8:34 And that's OK with you? My point is, where does it stop? As far as I am concerned, citizens should be able to buy whatever firearm they so desire, including autommatics, grenades, tanks, whatever. But there has to be some sort of proof of citizenship, proof of who you are. This amish guy and Pedro, who just hopped the border, are equal in my eyes. No proof of citizenship, no firearm.

  5. fingerprints.

    that's all he should need.

  6. 10:31 Much less invasive than having your picture taken.

  7. "...no exceptions..." ???
    How about the Second Amendment?
    9:07.....READ the Second Amendment and then tell me you need to PROVE ANYTHING.
    I'm pretty sure it says "shall not be infringed." Do you know what that means? I know its the Constitution and you Nazi cheerleaders don't pay much attention to it (Hillary thinks SHE can override that document with a stroke of a pen!), but it is a good reference, anyway.
    Keep cheering.
    Until every freedom and right we have is gone.
    might as well read the First Amendment, too. hat is unless the Second is too long for your attention span.


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