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Sunday, September 06, 2015

Wicomico County Schools Now Charges $21.99 For Each Student To Go Potty

Going #1 and #2 is fine but when you have to go #6 it's going to cost you. 


  1. thats some exspensive s#*@.

  2. This needs to be confirmed and if true then the this could be civil rights issue.

  3. Wow - just when you think the school admins can't get any dumber. I'm sure that students abuse the potty system to get out of class but there are better ways to manage this

  4. Are there civil rights in an Islamic nation like ours?

  5. what school or schools have these? This is absurd if true and needs to be addressed immediately!

  6. This is s joke, right?

  7. This is a crappy situation.

  8. I would just make copies and go . As someone who has Crohn's Disease this will not do. And if I had a child with IBS no way would I let this slide.

    1. Ron, you could have a 504 plan because of a documented disability and go any time you needed.

  9. Failure to use the facilities as needed can cause some medical issues. Will the Board of Education be picking up the medical costs, such as doctor visit, prescriptions, lab work? Then when days are missed from school due to these issues, once again the board of education would be caught in this 'mess'. I am sincerely hoping this is a sick joke.

  10. I pity the fool who says a child can not go to the bathroom and I find out about it. If there are abusers, then handle the abusers, but don't punish the whole darn school. Who do they think they are? Who builds the schools in the first place and who pays the teacher's salaries. Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer, that's who. And if this is true, then who gets the $21? There is no doubt that teachers need salary increases and the majority of them do a good job. There is no doubt that the Board of Education administrators get way too much money. The longer I live, the dumber people get and it isn't the teacher's fault. So take your bathroom vouchers and put them where the sun doesn't shine.

  11. Wicomico County Public SchoolsSeptember 2, 2015 at 2:19 PM

    The bathroom passes are part of a classroom economy exercise for students, and do not involve any actual money. To help clear up any confusion about the exercise, Principal Amy Eskridge shared additional information with parents and guardians today. The classroom economy system will allow students to use play classroom dollars to purchase reward items such as homework passes, extra bathroom passes, special seating, etc. The idea is for students to learn that their time is valuable, and to give them opportunities to make decisions about how they spend their money. No actual money is being charged or would ever be charged for using the bathroom. Any parent with questions about the classroom economy exercise is welcome to call the school.

  12. I saw this on facebook.

    Eric Ballard
    My son came home with this in his school folder today. As you can see, his school Salisbury Middle is charging $21.99 for kids to be able to go to the bathroom once they use all of their free bathroom passes. This makes it seem like public education has become more concerned with making money than educating our children. Does anyone know how I can upload this b.s. to the news?

  13. Yeah SMS this is crazy, and if you were truly trying to teach students about money and how "valuable" their time is...why would you charge $21.99, that is awful expensive for a bathroom break. That is not "real-life" so it does not go hand and hand with what you are trying to "teach" your students!

  14. This is just bathroom humor...

  15. Replies
    1. It's really sad to see just how dumb some of these parents are and how they are unable to understand the concept. Explains some of the kids!

    2. Thank you. What a compete bunch of imbeciles.

  16. Dear BOE,
    Whether it is fake money or real money,the point is that they should not have to "buy" extra bathroom passes.Using the toilet is a necessity and as another writer said,kids with IBS and other issues who need frequent bathroom breaks should not have to "earn" the right to go to the restroom.Very poor judgment was used in concocting this assignment and if my kid was in her class,we would have a showdown.

  17. BOE kook liberals at their best,why don't they teach how to balance a checkbook instead.

    1. because its 2015 and who the heck still writes CHECKS?! duh....

  18. 3:19PM I agree with you 100% and would be standing right beside you during the showdown. The Board of Education CANNOT deny any child to go to the bathroom at any time!! As I had a bathroom discussion with a teacher; I asked how long they could "hold it" after eating breakfast & drinking at 7am, having a bus ride etc.

  19. Dear WCBOE -

    Maybe if instruction was more engaging this would be less of an issue - Amy, I would rethink this...


  20. While I agree with the earning "money" as a classroom incentive for positive behavior to be exchanged for privileges and treats; I disagree that students will have to use this "money" for additional restroom breaks should they use all their " FREE" passes given to them by the teacher.

    The need to go is a natural bodily function that doesn't abide by a set schedule, when the need arises , students should be permitted to use the facilities, if the teacher feels it is being abused; it should be addressed directly with that student and his/her parents.

  21. @3:22 regardless, the concept is absolutely ridiculous. If you believe otherwise, maybe you should get your head examined.

  22. To WCBOE..I understand economy exercises. In our school math class we chose a job, earned monopoly money, and had to purchase food, housing, repairs, clothing, insurance, taxes...balance checkbooks...just like life. This was a requirement of all graduates. Some of us did not have enough money to make ends meet, some of us did well. There were no such things as "homework passes", and there was really not "special seating." I do not disagree with these at all, but the bathroom pass? My kids teachers are aware of MY policy, that if they are not permitted to use the restroom then I have told them to go in their seat. The teacher has a choice here..to let the kid go or clean up a mess. Now I know that my kids would probably not do this if any way possible because the other kids would ride them forever, but the teachers ARE aware of what I have instructed my kids to do. There are kids who abuse it-yes, and they need to be addressed individually.

  23. Can they pay with their EBT cards?
    I think we all know that the reason behind this is because there are a group of 'students' who don't want to be in a class so the go to the bathroom for the entire class.

  24. Teachers like her are why my kids go to private school.

  25. What do you expect? ? All the hard working people have too pay for the ones collecting MORE OF MY MONEY. The BOE is WAY outta control but you libitards love it. IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN! ! PLEASE! !!

    1. Do you actually read the drivel you post? How is a pretend economic scenario collecting more of YOUR money. Please take some of YOUR money and go buy some books about economic realities.

  26. Sbynews...maybe you should investigate the Dept of Justice document shared with the county employees and find something about that to complain about. That's the true travesty in Wicomico County Schools.

  27. Your school board and elected officials are the travesty. Stay on point it's not that hard.

  28. Economy exercise? Are you kidding me? Fake money passes for "special seating", "bathroom privileges", "homework passes". Let's call this exactly what it is. Principal Eskridge is not teaching economics, she is teaching those who have the money can buy their way through life. These students are learning early that if you have the money you can get things that the poor kid sitting next to them can't. Never mind that the poor kid is actually smarter than the kid who has the money. Take out the money of this situation. Money is the root of all evil. Teach your students that a hard day's work in a watermelon field is just as important as a BOE member sitting at a desk all day. Teach respect, teach inclusion, teach honesty, teach respect for one's self no matter how much money their parents' have, teach love for one another, teach love for country, teach compassion for those who have not, teach a trade the student is suited for. Get back to the basics and produce young adults who are so proud of their accomplishments as a human being, not how many stocks they own in the market. The school system is failing all of us and this so called economy exercise is just a tip of the iceberg that is sinking. May God Help Us Help Our Children.


  29. Some of the comments have correctly identified the point of the concepts at work in the classroom. Most other posters are so lost a bloodhound couldn't find them.

    Put simply: NO Cash has changed hands, nor will any change hands.

    Visit a middle school classroom sometime and observe the disruptive junior con-artists sprinkled among students trying to learn. I have.

  30. Some of you people who are complaining are the same ones who will complain that students aren't learning. Well no kidding -- if they're going to the restroom six times a term, they're missing a lot of class. They have time to go between classes, and that should suffice most of the time.

  31. It's Obama's fault.

  32. It's also at Bennett high. I just Joe a photo of the bathroom passes my son was given. They are allowed 3 visits per quarter and if it takes longer than 7 minutes they get detention. Hopefully Joe posts it for you all to see.

  33. I don't blame them children are out of control and need to be disciplined because parents don't do it anymore

  34. I suspect this may have something to do with the "students" spending most of the day "pitching pennies" in the bathrooms. A FUTILE SOLUTION.

  35. Bad leadership both at the school and the BOE

  36. I would tell my child,
    "If I have to pay for you to use the restroom in a public school, I give you permission to write whatever you want on the stall walls."

  37. Letter to the Editor

    Here is some more Bullsh!t that John Fredericksen allows to go on in the school system. It is Labor Day and I can't even spend the last weekend of the Summer with my family on a 3 day weekend get away. Our weekend was planned for soccer Friday, Saturday and Monday with no regard for this being a the last holiday weekend of the Summer. Did I mention that schools were closed this weekend? This is absurd and the Wicomico County Board of education does nothing about it. School is closed today and our kids have to go to a mandatory soccer practice. Then we have to do a soccer picnic. I would rather have a Labor Day Picnic with friends and family that already made an invitation. We have no choice if we want our kids to play sports at Parkside High School. Our entire weekend was planned for us by the school teacher coach. This is absurd I must say. I've talked to many other families and they are not happy about it either, but if we fail to attend our kids won't be playing sports. Whoever allowed this should be fired.

    Could you please post this as I would be curious to see if all the schools do this and if a mandatory practice is required or legal. I would also like to see the Wicomico Board of Education respond to this silliness.


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