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Sunday, September 06, 2015

Sheriff: 'It's Open Season on Law Enforcement Across This Country'

Mike Lewis, sheriff in Wicomico County, Md., told Sean Hannity tonight that anti-police rhetoric from groups like Black Lives Matter can have dangerous, potentially deadly consequences for officers.

"It's open season on law enforcement across this country," Lewis said. "American law enforcement [officers] are under siege."

Lewis said that it all started with the lie of "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" in Ferguson, Mo.

"Everybody's scared to death to do their job, scared to pull the trigger," Lewis said. "The last seven days, we've lost seven police officers."



  1. These are days of reckoning ...You have an army of armed concerned citizens ready to help.

    1. Yes. We can, and will, help put a stop to the savagery, if asked.

  2. Obama has said nothing to condemn the killings of police officers because he doesn't care. Has everyone not figured that out yet?

  3. It is so obvious that Obama does not care at all, because he is the main one that got all of this horrible mess started. If he wasn't such a racist president, he would be stepping up and addressing these groups of animals.

  4. Obama started his Presidency attacking the police.

  5. "Everybody's scared to death to do their job, scared to pull the trigger," Lewis said. "The last seven days, we've lost seven police officers."

    BS. You guys are even killing each other now.

  6. I'm glad Obama has been silent. The less he says the better. Obama nor any of his supporters is worthy enough to have even breathed the same air as the fallen officers.
    Obama is an evil and wicked person and those who support him are even worse because they enable him. Horrid people, the complete and utter dregs of society proven by how chaotic the inner cities are where obama supporters are concentrated.
    God will punish Obama and it will be a very good day when obama takes his last breath and a day to celebrate the death of the devil's worker on earth.

  7. The MEDIA wants that thought planted in the minds of thugs,., it is not 'open season'.
    Mike Lewis needs to shut up and stay off of Hannity.
    HE is just continuing to go after his 15 minutes of fame.
    Just do your job Mike, and stay out of the limelight.
    Any thinking person would know better than to agitate this situation.

  8. This is all part of the big plan. obummer is marching us toward marshal law. That will suspend all elections and he stays in power.

  9. Contact Dr Roache here in Salisbury he has the article where Lewis called blacks the n word

  10. Cops haven't seen anything yet... keep on murdering people and shooting unarmed people in the back... You think you can control the situation if it got to the point of martial law?? Think again, it will be every body for themselves and you won;'t even be able to protect your loved ones...

    But keep laughing, cheering and smiling while you too murder people... Like i said before, you will pay the piper and I don;';t just mean god because that is given... The govt will come get you and take you out for us once they are done using you... but go ahead and get your jollies off... The citizens of america has a list just like you cops... they will go down that list one by one...

  11. Mike Lewis should set a curfew for juveniles...You cannot walk the streets at night without being attacked.

  12. This from the same guy who wants to start a revolution and kill fellow Americans? Really. You have nothing to stand for. A disgrace and an embarrassment to our community. GET OUT

  13. Trigger happy cops caused these problems. Now with cameras everywhere they cannot lie like they did in the good old days.

  14. The funny part is if black lives mattered to black people we would never need a movement to tell us that.

    1. White people don't need it. We've seen billions upon billions of our tax dollars WASTED on "empowerment" and "community" and "socializing" programs trying to convince blacks to act like their lives mattered. All it's done is fuel a hyper-inflated, egotistical, deluded, narcissistic, self-entitled subcultural mindset that is so convinced of their "specialness" that they believe nobody else's lives matter, except theirs.

      If they were serious about it, then why aren't they out there in the streets of Chicago, ranting to other blacks, who are the ones killing them left and right? No, they want to screech and howl and make demands to white people instead...because it's safer.

  15. Put some of the blame right where it belongs...Renegade police officers with power control issues... For many years cops authority has gone unchecked and police acting like judges has gone far enough....When the police do their jobs and SERVE THE PUBLIC... instead of becoming a union of thugs just like the gangs of criminals they seek. There is no difference in (UNION), and (GANG)...THEY SERVE THE SAME PURPOSE, TO PROTECT THE MASS OF THEIR INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS BY SHEAR NUMBERS....

    1. I believe you just went to the head of the class on the idiot list.

    2. 2:26..I agree. I am reminded of a saying. "To those that defend it freedom has a taste the protected will never understand". Clearly 2:09 has spent their time as the protected.

  16. It was bad behavior that helped put the Jim Crow laws in place. I don't want to see Jim Crow II come about.

    But I want OUR American cities and towns to be safe, civil, clean and prosperous again.

  17. Thank you Sheriff Lewis for having the brass to tell it like it really is.

  18. The problem is that blacks have allowed themselves to be so dumbed down that they will believe and say anything.
    This is nothing new and has been this way for generations.
    NAACP's Ashanti an older person is proof of this when she said on Baltimore States Attorney's FB page that it's the first time she has seen someone who had the courage to indict officers. If Ashanit weren't such a dumbed down ignorant foolish woman she would have known that each and every day in this country cops are indicted for offenses they commit both on and off duty. Ashanti is a prime example of the US public education system pushing low IQ blacks through the ranks and pretending that they are actually educated when quite the opposite is true.
    The worst part is that she is the president of the NAACP. With so called leaders like her, the black communities are set up for failure.

  19. He needs to tend to his own garden before he goes on TV.Wicomico County is crime ridden,clean it up first before having a national audience....Also,you morons who are saying police deserve to be killed because of the rogue cops who abuse their authority,please leave the country now.If it were not for the police,you would crying like babies when YOU need the police and they are not there to help you.

  20. It would appear that the majority of people who frequent this site did not grow up to be the people Mr. Rogers knew they could be. FYI, Mr Rogers is now on Netflix neighbors!

  21. Young Black males without a two parent family is the scourge of the nation and must be dealt with.Margaret Sanger was right.

  22. 800 people killed by police to date ( that we know of ) and police are scared to pull the trigger? tell these boot lickers anything and they will believe it.


    1. Right and none of them deserved it right?

  23. Seriously 2:25.
    Just think all these able bodied young unemployed black men. Since they are not working their neighborhoods must be utopias, heaven right here on earth. They must spend their days cleaning up the streets, tending to community gardens they plant and maintaining the parks.
    Considering the amount of money spent on social programs and schools in the inner cities there must also be a bustling enclave of intellectuals that spend their hours discussing philosophy, history, physics and the various arts. I'm sure they are also active in hard science research like finding a cure for cancer or unraveling the secrets of the atom.
    Mothers raising children have an easy time of it since they don't have to work in these inner city paradises. With the food, housing and medical care received from the government the mothers have plenty of time to nurture and teach the children how to be respectful, law biding, great contributors to society. There off time must be spent at book clubs, playing bridge and gardening. With all the vacant land in these inner city paradises there must be a beautiful garden every where you look.

  24. The number means nothing 4:20. Do you homework and figure out how many were not justified and them give us a figure. Your spin and misinformation won't work around here. It only works in the ghetto where the low IQ low information are concentrated.

  25. This just in - Mike Lewis goes on Fox News and gives dramatic soundbites!

    I like Sheriff Lewis. And I think he does a good job. But I'm not sure that stuff like this helps him do his job any better.

  26. Mike needs to just stop. Police deaths on duty is down 20% compared to last year. Lies and more lies. Many of you listen to fix news to much. Brainwashing....

  27. This comment below is very threatening and should NEVER been allowed on this forum!

    Anonymous said...
    Cops haven't seen anything yet... keep on murdering people and shooting unarmed people in the back... You think you can control the situation if it got to the point of martial law?? Think again, it will be every body for themselves and you won;'t even be able to protect your loved ones...

    But keep laughing, cheering and smiling while you too murder people... Like i said before, you will pay the piper and I don;';t just mean god because that is given... The govt will come get you and take you out for us once they are done using you... but go ahead and get your jollies off... The citizens of america has a list just like you cops... they will go down that list one by one...

    September 2, 2015 at 1:12 PM

  28. 7:04 While the deaths as a whole may be down I believe the percentage is line of duty deaths which includes accidents such as auto, electrocutions, drownings, etc.
    What would be more helpful would be all the shooting deaths and other deaths intentionally caused by another person or persons.

  29. " Anonymous said...

    Mike needs to just stop. Police deaths on duty is down 20% compared to last year. Lies and more lies. Many of you listen to fix news to much. Brainwashing....

    September 2, 2015 at 7:04 PM"

    Sheriff Lewis is absolutely correct and you are clearly without a doubt wrong. Police deaths could be down but that still doesn't mean that they aren't under siege which is what the Sheriff is claiming.
    I don't know if you saw it or not but the way the rioters and looters were throwing bricks at the officers in Baltimore during the riots was a clear indication and leaves no one with any doubt that LE is certainly under siege. We have not ever seen anything like this in our lifetimes no matter how old you are.

  30. Food for thought. Is the death of police numbers down because they dont want to take action due to Baltimores events? I know cars safer too, so food for thought. Also that is why crime is rising so fast, cops are going the other way in the big cities.

  31. If it were not for the police,you would crying like babies when YOU need the police and they are not there to help you.

    September 2, 2015 at 3:08 PM

    They are NEVER around to prevent anything. They come after the fact to write reports and then hand them to someone smarter who can investigate, when they are not hiding in bushes.

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The number means nothing 4:20. Do you homework and figure out how many were not justified and them give us a figure. Your spin and misinformation won't work around here. It only works in the ghetto where the low IQ low information are concentrated.

    September 2, 2015 at 4:37 PM

    That's one of the problems with some of you. You have to lead them by the hand for them to understand anything. Let me try.

    That was a TOTAL number of people killed that can be ascertained. We will never know the actual numbers of people killed by police since some police depts send in incomplete, missing or no reports at all.

    If you had bothered to even go to the site listed instead of doing the usual knee jerk bs you would have seen the deaths were described how they occurred and even contained links to news stories and such.

    I hope that helps but I wouldn't be surprised if it fell on deaf ears. A lot of you are too lazy and biased to do your own research and try to discredit others'.

    FYI, I don't live in any ghetto and I would put my I.Q. against your any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

  33. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The number means nothing 4:20. Do you homework and figure out how many were not justified and them give us a figure. Your spin and misinformation won't work around here. It only works in the ghetto where the low IQ low information are concentrated.

    September 2, 2015 at 4:37 PM

    do your own homework and go to the site. it lists how they were killed. try eating more fish. they say it's brain food.

  34. I just have to make this comment regarding SHERIFF LEWIS.
    I do not care what his OPINION about Obama, or the state of the nation, or race, etc., etc, is,.,
    As a PRIVATE CITIZEN, he is entitled to think, and say, whatever he wants.
    I DO CARE that he is using his professional position to *GRANDSTAND* his belief system.
    He is sooooooo far OUT OF LINE using his professional position in that manner, and not to mention,
    keeping race relationships in Salisbury, as well, Wicomico Co. divided, and in the spotlight.
    He has crossed the lines of professionalism, and should be reprimanded, professionally 'cited', or fired.
    Hannity is the worst kind of BIASED, and ridiculous media source (along the same lines as Bill O'Reilly) and gives
    Salisbury and its 'representatives' (Sheriff Lewis) ZERO CREDIBILITY.
    Considering that Sheriff Lewis' own county has enormous problems with crime, race, and corruption,
    he should quietly close his mouth, dutifully do his job, and undertake to correct the problems he has, right here, 'at home'.
    He is doing a HUGE DISSERVICE to Wicomico County, and the city of Salisbury, by espousing his OPINIONS on national television.
    Cease and desist Sheriff Lewis, you are bringing shame to your community and heightening tensions with your Grand Standing BS.
    That is NOT your job as the Sheriff of Wicomico County.

  35. "FYI, I don't live in any ghetto and I would put my I.Q. against your any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

    September 3, 2015 at 3:44 AM"

    LOL maybe you better rethink you position on your IQ level. First of all "I don't live in 'any' ghetto" is improper. It should read "I don't live in 'the' or 'a' ghetto"
    Secondly, no one said you did. Obviously reading comprehension is not one of your stronger points.

  36. For years, decades actually, when the police killed someone, or robbed them or beat them into paralysis or death, it was the citizen's wailing complaint against the word of a man who confidently had the entire system at his back. "We the people" didn't have a chance.
    Now, those same beatings, rapes, robberies, and murders are regularly FILMED by "we the people" and the stories the police tell don't the film. Oh my.
    Righteous indignation. Alarm. Disgust. Concern. ANGER.
    WHO thinks "Ghetto Joe" is the only one getting beaten and killed? Robbed, raped, and extorted? Body slammed into concrete? Uarmed and shot in the back? Paralyzed in gang beatings? Half the ghetto could be executed by the police today and the media would yawn for a day or so....
    The police have done these things to too many middle class white people and their families. NOW, the price must be paid and the police want to cry about "being scared to pull the trigger"? You SHOULD be scared.
    Too many families have went to hospital to identify their kid, shot in the head by the police. To visit their son who was beaten by four cops and bitten by a police dog for SAYING something they didn't like. To check on their grandma who has a fractured collarbone and two broken ribs (at age 68) because she SAID something a cop didn't like.
    Or traveled a thousand miles to ask (ASK!?) if they could have their vacation money back, which was TAKEN (robbed) by the police in Texas because they were speeding. Or locally, having to run a gamut of police "checkpoints" and seat belt "campaigns" and speed traps (being so concerned about our "safety", huh?), while our kids going to the illustrious college here are victims of REGULAR (!?) home invasions and street robberies. Or getting a ticket for not wearing seat belt on Church St while a drug deal goes down 25 feet away. So much for the "safety" of "we, the people". And your concern for it....
    Police are REVENUE AGENTS. Violent revenue agents.
    They are reaching the critical mass of angry citizens. But we didn't get here by accident. Police have their priorities.
    Keep cheering.

  37. LOL maybe you better rethink you position on your IQ level. First of all "I don't live in 'any' ghetto" is improper. It should read "I don't live in 'the' or 'a' ghetto"
    Secondly, no one said you did. Obviously reading comprehension is not one of your stronger points.

    September 3, 2015 at 6:22 PM

    if that's all you got why bother opening your pie hole

  38. And law enforcement started it all by being caught on cell phone videos having "open season" on unarmed Americans. The police, their heavy-handed tactics, and their self discipline rules have led to this response by certain groups. Mr. Lewis needs to try and see how law enforcement can do a better job, if he wants to see any improvement in relations with the public, and even in these radical groups. This is not a one-sided issue. Hey MR. Lewis, they have your attention now. I don't agree with BLM rhetoric and tactics, but they are getting everyone's attention. It's like rioting. It may be illegal, but it is a way for the politically and economically disadvantaged to get the attention of the politicians. Political Science 101...

  39. If none of you have figured it out yet, Mike Lewis has his sights set on higher office. He will not be a sheriff much longer.

  40. Mike might run for office but he's staying Sheriff.


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