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Sunday, September 06, 2015

The Department of Justice Has Been Investigating The Wicomico Board of Ed Since 2012

Salisbury News has just confirmed that the Department of Justice has been investigating Salisbury Middle School since 2012.

The multiple complaints came from the black community stating their people have been targeted for discipline more so then white students.

Well no crap! Salisbury Middle School is 80% black, (+ or -) and there are teachers in that school who have 100% black students in their class.

The DOJ recently delivered a 38 page report that does not look favorable towards the BOE and it's no wonder Fredericksen has put in his resignation. 

There will be another meeting in about two weeks in which the DOJ will lay down the law and you can expect some serious fines. Why, I don't know. Why rob Peter to pay Paul. 


  1. The south was right.

  2. Actually Salisbury middle is 51% black and 48% white the reason I because that school collects all the kids from nanticoke road area and west Wicomico into as Hebron as well so just to clarify that and plus this is coming from someone who went to that school 2 years ago and graduated, so get your facts straight

    1. tat dont sound right

    2. U graduated from Salisbury Middle? Great Accomplishment. WOW!

    3. Well....FYI there graduate with a minimum education, just because you went to school there 2 years ago doesn't mean you were or are knowledgeable of the statistics. What you saw with your eyes isn't accurate. Numbers are. If your math teacher was worth a damn you'd know this.

    4. So...your how old? 14? 15? Move along little girl, this is adult business.

    5. Salisbury Middle School is predominantly black I don't I possibly know the number but I also know that most students are of the African American persuasion what does a be mixed with African American or for African American and they are African American. And if teachers are in a classroom with 2223 African American males and females you don't think they're being targeted you do you think that teacher feels comfortable you think that she wants to teach them probably not so the way to deal with it is to send them out of her class not to teach them what they know

  3. Where does the money come from for the fines, the tax payers?

  4. Doj needs to go to the Black community churches a.d lay into them.

  5. The money should come out of the BOE budget and dump the leased building they don't need. This only helps prove what most of us already knew about fast Freddy and his sticky fingers cooking the books.

    What took DOJ so long?????

  6. So now Obama is dividing the residents of Wicomico County too!

  7. The wheels are slow. Hopefully that is what is happening with the disgraced ex-President of Hebron Savings Bank. DOJ has a case, let's see if they do what us right and nail his sorry ass.

  8. Where can we get a copy of this report?

  9. Not the only school DOJ is investigating in Wicomico. Gee, I wonder which HS has almost TWICE the African-American population percentage as the county (which is only 23% county-wide)?

    By the way, according to the MSDE's own data, in 2014, SMS had 395 African-American students, 370 white students, 40 students of more than one race, 37 Hispanic students and 27 Asian students. So, about 50% of SMS was African-American, not 80%. Not even close.

    Just go to reportcard.msde.maryland.gov to find any school in the state and the demographics. That way, you won't have to pull numbers out of your nether regions to make a point.

    1. I agree with the percentage part. My son went there last year and it most definitely was not 80/20.

  10. One of the biggest problems on that side is Jermichael Mitchell. He is a race baiter and the PD has their eye on him. He is responsible for a lot of crime in Wicomico and Salisbury.

    1. LIAR!!! J. Mitchell is a GOD sent

    2. I hope they do have their eyes on him. Maybe they will learn something and work with him in uplifting our community! That's what he does. Get to know him before you talk about him!!

    3. I hope they do have their eyes on him. Maybe they will learn something and work with him in uplifting our community! That's what he does. Get to know him before you talk about him!!

  11. Yep and hopefully exposes the cozy union greasy palms too. Thanks ladys.

  12. DOJ was investigating WiHi because of the Principal there. Well-kept secrets!

  13. Green eggs and ham.

  14. All of this complaining hurts my bar business. So what that elected officials have an occasional adult beverage on the taxpayer's dime. At least it's at my place!

  15. Not to mention the teachers and coaches who have quietly been arrested or accused of abuse.

  16. Im sure they are targeted for disciplinary action the most, mostly because they are the west side trash. How do you expect them to act when all they see is their mom knocked up again by baby daddy number 4, and he's running all over hell and creation selling crack. While a good part of the family probably hasnt worked much because they cant afford to lose all their public handouts and section 8 housing.

  17. Tay 6:18 PM
    You 'graduated from there?' That is a middle school, I thought most people who graduated did it from a High School, just saying.

  18. So, did they even encroach on the wild credit card and gift card spending that was robbing taxpayers on a daily basis, or was that all just "Okay"?

    I'd like to see the results of that study, or lack thereof.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So...your how old? 14? 15? Move along little girl, this is adult business.

    September 3, 2015 at 8:14 PM

    You 'adults' don't sound much like adults.

  20. Maybe 51 % black but 90% of that black population is poor and on free lunch programs. If you do the appropriate study and compare free and reduced meal (FARM) students it will show they are 90% of the problems and discipline. Exclude race and sex and you will see FARM students are very high in all the troublesome categories. Does it happen to be a large percent black, yes they cover a large lower income area that is predominately black. Please get all the facts.

  21. Anyone ever consider that maybe the kids who experience disciplinary action are the ones breaking the rules, and that it should not even enter the picture what race they are? Discipline those who deserve it - I know, it's a crazy idea!

  22. The DOJ is useless and the quicker we realize that the better off we'll be.They sound intimidating but nothing ever happens.If they did achieve results with every investigation they undertake they'd be out of a job.Bleeding it out over 3 or 4 years is not surprising at all for them.

  23. J. Mitchell is a very positive guy....stop trying to cover up the bs by throwing dirt on another person

  24. Thank you 9:07 for pointing out the poverty associate with that district. I wonder how often those kids get a decent meal outside of the school?

    1. Awwwww
      Why dont you invite them over for dinner ? You wont because your a hypocrite.

  25. The FARM students are generally on FARM because they come from single parent households, usually the mother's. As a result they don't get the discipline they would in a standard 2 parent household. And behavior issues follow. Black, white, or purple, it doesn't matter. The dissolution of the family is at the core.

    1. Bingo! That problem won't be going away until we stop supplementing those who use breeding as a source of income.


  26. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The wheels are slow. Hopefully that is what is happening with the disgraced ex-President of Hebron Savings Bank. DOJ has a case, let's see if they do what us right and nail his sorry ass."

    Joe I have tried to figure out who would be posting the response above & why would you allow it? Then I figured it out you are the source of all the HSB post bashing them because you had a dealing with Greg Johnson and you were not impressed! If you continue to not post this comment I have my answer I don't need your confession!

    1. I don't think anyone is bashing HSB. The so called "bashing " is on Greg Johnson who knowingly and willingly falsified banking documents. YES this IS a DOJ issue and we are very hopeful justice will prevail. He us dishonest and an embarrassment to the banking industry. And why not allow these post? Maybe Joe needs to open a new link that reads Disgraced previous President /CEO of Hebron Savings Bank has a new target, Provident Savings Bank. I am sure there are lots and lots if people who would love to comment.

    2. Yes 10:53! Why is he allowed to even work for another banking institution? Are they stupid for even hiring him? This is worthy news that needs to be revisited. Just goes to show you that the corrupt do profit and prosper. I do
      think Joe should open a new link for this as well. Johnson almost destroyed an institution that has been stable since 1910. His corruption and greed has made them a target for FDIC. He should be held accountable for these unethical actions.

    3. I agree. Johnson is to watched and I hope he has not heard the end of his near destruction of HSB. He needs to be held accountable. He will do the same thing at his new employment. It us just a matter of time. Do these people know the narcissus person they have employed? They surely did not check his reference at HSB.

    4. I am sure they did not because I am sure he never would of been hired . Between his unethical business practices and his terrible treatment of personnel he would be lucky to get a job at the local transfer station. He is an evil bi-polar dishonest loud obnoxious bully. I feel sorry for the employees of Provident. You have my sympathy. Get him put before your reputation is tarnished. HSB was smart to get him out before their doors had to be closed due to his dishonesty.

    5. I think it is pretty simple Gregory W. Johnson, people have nit forgotten nor will they forget until the DOJ nails your sorry ass. You have hurt lots if people and karma is not done with you yet. So you can boast all you want about taking business from HSB because in the end, how long it ever takes, you will pay the consequences. It is not over, not by a long ways. The customers you take will be the downfall for Provident as it was ALMOST for HSB. DOJ works slow and your inside buddies won't know it until it happens.

  27. salisbury middle had a kid last year who attempted rape on young girls several times including sexually harassed. But thats not it. April 2014 this same boy did get arrested for attempting to rape a girl in class. nothing was done by the school. parents did press charges and he was on probation with the dept of juv svcs for one year. He was still placed with all of those girls and continued his actions. the school board met with the family who was having such a hard time getting the help needed for him. Even eastern shore psyco svcs attended the meetings and they too left in awe as the board just looked the other way on all of the boys admitted acts and admitted planned acts which even at one time...included murder and the attempted rape at westside intermediate he still planned to carry out. the parents just did move this child out to another state so thank god he is no longer around here HOWEVER.............so much needs to be investigated on this....the way everything was handled because SMS and the board of ed could care LESS about the safety of the kids there. NOT to mention they didnt just turn their heads on his actions at school.....these same actions carried on the bus as well.

  28. and this investigation has taken this long, why???

  29. The DOJ wants resource officers out of the schools. No one will be suspended except for the most serious crimes. You can't blame the schools on this one. There will be no discipline in the schools if the DOJ gets their way. Put your kids in private school now. Trust me on this one.

  30. It is not just Salisbury Middle, it is the whole county. If the Dept of Justice recommendations go through, I will be leaving this county as an educator. The schools will be even more unruly and dangerous. Delmar high will be over run with people trying to get their kids out of Wicomico County schools.

  31. Didn't know Freddie the freeloader was leaving - probably has his golden parachute already arranged!

    Hopefully, we'll get someone in here that really cares about educating the children instead of building their fiefdom.

    Couple that with a locally elected school board and we might see some success!

    Not holding my breath!

  32. Now this is a perfect example of how there is so much that is out of the hands of teachers. Teachers, I get it. No discipline creates a difficult teaching and learning environment not to mention A HUGE SAFETY ISSUE! What teachers need to see is that it is hard to empathize when they continue to allow the teachers union, MSEA and WCEA, to speak for them. The MSEA has created a lot of the problem you have to deal with.....breakfast in the classroom, no discipline for minority students, the flawed teacher evaluation system, and the list goes on and on. The union is not your friend and the union makes educators look bad. Do some research into your union teachers! Save yourself $605 per year and start advocating for what is right and not what the union tells you to do and believe.

  33. Please provide examples of how the DOJ has handled other situations when claiming how "seriously" they will handle this.

  34. 12:49 PM
    This is such a scary event. Since it is posted under the DOJ article, are you saying the alleged perpetrator was African American and that's why it is alleged that little was done?

  35. Anon 8:41: Why would the DOJ care who lives on Farms?

  36. Jermichael Mitchell is apart of the crime!?!? All I can do is laugh.... This just lets us know that the people who comment have opinions on issues not Facts!!! Don't hate J. Mitchell bc he does a great job and probably has a lot of answers to the problems to save these kids.... Funny how they always try to find a scape goat... J. Mitchell doesn't run one school... So how is he a problem... Yall just scared of his POWERFUL VOICE in his community.... Don't say it do anything wrong and you won't have to fear J. Mitchell...

    1. He is a huge part of the problem... He is a racist himself against whites......i've seen him at his center under the influence picking up my child from bball... It's a shame, I also witnessed him about to fight over a bball game but he is the one trying to stop the violence??? Hipocrite is all I see......

    2. Lol lol your a liar...

    3. Can you prove what you say? Many people involved in sports get heated... I personally know the man... And can't say one bad thing about him... I've known him since a child... Far from a what your trying to say.. We understand the hate is real .... A man that ups his culture and tries to give the youth more understanding of their real history so they can value themselves more would be viewed as a racist to people who don't want those youth tone informed

  37. I don't hide behind Anonymous like some of you hateful people.

    Jermichael Mitchell has done amazing things for the young community , how dare you throw dirt on his name without any facts to back it up, you should be ashamed of yourself. To hide behind that name and to spout false accusations speaks volumes about the type of person you are.

    He's been nothing but a positive member of his community, at least he's trying to better it and the lives of the kids.

  38. We were told in our " beginning of the year" meeting that we aren't allowed to write an office referral on a black student this year. Sheriffs department get ready because you are going to be busy!

  39. So basically blacks can't act right in school or society. Or everyone is just a big mean racist and the crime/discipline rates are pulled from thin air.

  40. Suspending kids and locking them up doesn't fix any of the problems.... I will not comment on any of the accusations that were stated about me... But I will say this in my 13+ years of working in several systems that involve youth and also working with them in the community.... Not even DOJ can fix the problems.... They go deeper than you all know.... whem you are on the outside looking in... It's easy to pass judgement on others because you don't have their experience .... You haven't lived their life... No excuses for the wrong actions or behaviors... I know it takes a community to fix the problems... I will continue to do what I do in my community to help save our youth... And no not all will be saved but some will... Judge me as you may but until I see you out here in this community putting the work in that me and my many organizations do.... I will not respect your opinion.... If you think you have a legit answer to help bring it fourth but if you don't... Keep being your judgemental self

  41. Suspending kids does not help the ones suspended. However, it does make it possible for teachers and other students to function in a learning environment that is safe and productive. Don't assume that kids who are discipline problems are getting an education even when they're in school. They aren't and no one else is either.

  42. So what your saying is teachers are just passing students?!?! Bc it's a lot of kids who continue to press forward beyond the distractions and pass... Let's just be real here... but we don't blame schools a teacher who fears a student can't teach them anyway.... And it's a lot of fearful teachers out here

  43. Why anyone would want to be a teacher or a policeman is beyond me. How is it possible always to defend the wrongdoers instead of supporting those who try to uphold society's rules?


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