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Monday, September 28, 2015

Where 'gays' are heroes, pedophiles victims, Christians crazy

Traditional morality regarding sex isn’t just collapsing, it’s being inverted.

Homosexuals, whose behavior once was illegal and reviled, are heroes. Pedophiles, considered among the lowest of the low for millennia, are being characterized as victims.

And if you think there’s something wrong about all of this, you might have a mental disorder.

It’s a perspective that Paul Kengor, a university professor, historian and author of “Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage,” argues is being pursued aggressively by Democrats.


  1. There is NO argument you can make in favor of homosexuality that is not also and argument for pederasty.

  2. I guess all America cares about is what less than 1% of the American population thinks ?

  3. Only one solve it. VOTE REPUBLICAN! !!

  4. This country has lost it's standards and it's morality! We accept ANY deviant lifestyle, and celebrate it as normal and expressive. Christianity is being attacked as radical. Our leaders have turned their back and beliefs in GOD.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Only one solve it. VOTE REPUBLICAN! !!

    September 28, 2015 at 3:06 PM


  6. If your Transgender, Homosexual or Black than the news media treats you Fair, If your white or Christain your attacked! Oh yea they love the Muslims too!

  7. Just like Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Brace yourself.

  8. White Christians need to draw tightly together.

  9. It was nice to see the pope say to be a good christian you must be a communist. The hidden dangers of the rainbow at work once again!

  10. They can spew all their political correctness and forced acceptance, but I and the vast majority of my friends will still treat these people as queers and retro bates.


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