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Monday, September 28, 2015


WASHINGTON, September 22, 2015 – API President and CEO Jack Gerard said Hillary Clinton’s anti-Keystone XL pipeline position demonstrates an unwillingness to follow the will of American voters who strongly support the project.

“Hillary Clinton’s decision to oppose Keystone is a missed opportunity to seize the true potential of our energy renaissance,” said Gerard. “It is most unfortunate for American workers and consumers that she has joined the forces of delay and denial. The years of indecision by this White House on this project are mind boggling. Who thought seven years ago when the Keystone permit was first initiated that 2016 presidential candidates would be weighing in on KXL?

“Instead of embracing our neighbor to the north, this administration continues to snub Canada and turns a deaf ear to our other allies who have appealed to the U.S. to move more oil onto the global markets. How can the administration advocate a deal that would help Iranian oil producers but not do the same for U.S. and Canadian producers? This is not how you harness America’s economic and diplomatic potential.”

API is the only national trade association representing all facets of the oil and natural gas industry, which supports 9.8 million U.S. jobs and 8 percent of the U.S. economy. API’s more than 625 members include large integrated companies, as well as exploration and production, refining, marketing, pipeline, and marine businesses, and service and supply firms. They provide most of the nation’s energy and are backed by a growing grassroots movement of more than 25 million Americans.



  1. Hillary and Bill take millions from OPEC nations to keep a lid on the pipeline. Follow the money.

  2. Like it or not, this country runs on oil. How soon we forget the oil embargo under the Carter administration and the long lines at the gas pumps as well as the impact on the economy. We have needed a program that makes us independent on oil imports to keep us from being held hostage from the Middle East.When will our imbeciles in Washington ever realize this and act accordingly.


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