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Monday, September 28, 2015

More work emails discovered in Hillary Clinton's private account

Officials say the Obama administration has discovered a chain of emails that Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to turn over when she provided what she said ... 


  1. And if the United States voters put her in office, this is what you can expect. Irresponsibility followed by deflection and faux outrage.

  2. Rabid Democrats will put her in even though we can't see her for all her warts.

  3. Rabid Democrats will put her in even though we can't see her for all her warts.


  4. She is a dishonest, greedy, self-seeking being 24/7, and has been since at least Watergate. She may change pantsuits and hairstyles but the spots on that lying leopard are still the same.

  5. Time to officially convict the convict.


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