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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Over 200 Maryland Corrections Officers Arrested… and They Still Have Their Jobs

Baltimore, MD — It was reported last week that over 250 Maryland corrections officers have been arrested since January of 2013 — and well over 200 are still employed by Maryland’s corrections department.

Many of the arrests actually involve on the job corruption, but most of the officers have yet to face any actual consequences from their employers. In one case where officers actually were prosecuted, 24 correctional officers at the Baltimore City Detention Center were convicted in a massive conspiracy case, along with a number of prisoners. That case involved corrections officers smuggling drugs into the prison and becoming very close with the inmates. On more than one occasion, male inmates who ran prison gangs impregnated female prison guards.

Stephen Moyer, Secretary of the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, actually defended many of the officers who were arrested, saying the charges against them were “pretty outrageous.”

Maryland prisons are notorious for their terrible living conditions and corrupt employees. The Baltimore City Detention Center was forced to close earlier this year because it was uninhabitable.



  1. Bow is this possible? They need to be in jail with there friends.

  2. How many cops have been arrested and still have jobs?

    1. Majority of.COs do there jobs same as in ANY job, some bad apples.

    2. I can name at least 6 locally

  3. How many cops do nothing and still have their job!

  4. One word explains it all " unions " !

  5. About two decades ago the testing and interview standards were lowered dramatically to allow for "more diverse" staffing. Now you see what has happened when completely unqualified people are hired.

  6. Of course they still have their jobs,because corruption is built into the system.Every business has a corrupt employee who does what has to be done to make that business work.All other employees and management are aware of him/her,but typically opt out of blowing the whistle because by that time they all are involved.A new employee will almost always be the whistle blower.Look for THAT employee to be in the unemployment line.Were I to be the investigator,I would automatically put a spotlight on how that honest employee was treated after he/she did the right thing.

  7. government employees can never do anything wrong
    they can never be rid of
    just transfer to another do nothing job within government location
    that's just the way it is

    Keep cheering.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Majority of.COs do there jobs same as in ANY job, some bad apples.

    September 9, 2015 at 10:31 AM

    except in Maryland?

    1. Go volunteer your time in the prison fool.

  10. This is mainly in BALTIMORE what do you excpect.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Go volunteer your time in the prison fool.

    September 9, 2015 at 2:16 PM

    why would anyone do that? I would think THAT would make them foolish.

    Something is very wrong with the mentality in this country. People and professions like these have the belief they can do whatever they wish and not be accountable. ( which seems to be the case ). Hard heads and big egos. That's why some say you get what you deserve. Enjoy.

  12. It takes mongrels to oversee mongrels.

  13. WTF!!

    I bet I know the racial persuasion of the majority arrested.

  14. And most of these arrests occurred during the O'Malley administration.


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