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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Environmental groups push for moratorium on new Eastern Shore chicken houses

A coalition of environmental and public health groups are calling on Governor Larry Hogan to place a moratorium on new poultry houses. They say the runoff from these operations, plus cuts to water quality monitoring, could be disastrous for Chesapeake Bay clean-up efforts.

The largest source of pollution to the Chesapeake Bay comes from agricultural runoff. Seven groups, the Environmental Integrity Project, The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's Center for a Livable Future, Waterkeepers Chesapeake, The Assateague Coastkeeper, Food & Water Watch, Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy, and The Maryland Clean Agriculture Coalition, want the governor to do more to about it.

The Environmental Integrity Project released a report, "More Phosphorus, Less Monitoring," Tuesday to along with their campaign. The report examined agriculture records and found that Maryland farmers are already over-applying poultry manure to their fields. These environmentalists say there are 200 new poultry houses permitted for construction across the Delmarva peninsula. If those houses are allowed to move forward, they fear pollution will only get worse.


  1. as it should be! perdue should not be allowed to rob future generations of the enjoyment of our pristine environment or whats left of it!
    All for a dollar, by a privately held company! thus making one man/family rich at the expense of all future generations!

  2. shut down the EPA now...

  3. Ban the poisonous chicken industry from here! Move it to New Jersey, they got the most landfills, toxic waste sites and it would fit right in.

  4. Show me the proof that the runoff from a chicken house in Delmar MD actually reaches the bay!

    I'm not a big Perdue fan - cuz of how they treat their people - but they are keeping the peninsula from becoming an unemployed ghost town!

  5. Have you thought about all the jobs that are needed because of the poultry industry in our area....they leave...no more jobs. show me the proof this is happening....I am skeptical to say the least

  6. Run all the chicken companies off the shore. Lets kill off one of the last industries in the area along with all the smaller companies that provide the surveying, building materials, construction, equipment, feed, propane, maintenance, monitoring and clean outs. On the other hand, we could stop the waste water treatment plants from dumping sewage directly into the rivers and remove all the golf courses that line the waterfront up and down the bay or at minimum ban the use of weed killers and fertilizers on said properties since they have dedicated drainage system to remove water from the playing course and dump it in the bay.

  7. So many idiots too much time on their hands

  8. funny how back in the 70's when i started out working as a young kid in the construction industry i was always told how all us construction people were the evil people who were creating all the pollution in the bay and don't dare pick on the farmers but now they want to go after all the farmers now.
    It never ends with these a......holes

  9. I guess if we dont have chicken houses we can depend on CHINA to raise the chickens. Question what do they feed them. How are they housed, do they vaccinate them, How are they killed and kept until they reach the world markets. If the bay is so paluted what condition is the rivers which run into it. Wicomico River has raw sewage dumped more than once. Health Department requires new septic systems to put in a mound and empties and taken to the water treatment plant. From there the thing overflows right into the river.
    To get rid of the chicken houses here on the shore is the worst idea I have heard. How about getting rid of the farmers too. I am sure these people can find a reason. The only thing left would be Ocean City for the amusement of the come heres to enjoy. Ocean City is mostly owned by people from Western Shore etc.
    If you dont like chickens, hogs, ducks and wild life stay off the Eastern Shore. Sweep around your own back door for your answers about the bay.

  10. All the chicken feces in the air, (that is the stink) and the runoff polluting the ground water, has lead to the low intelligence rate here. These poisons kill brain cells, and this is why our kids are so dumb, and our elected leaders act so stupid here on the shore.

  11. The "dumb" kids are GENETICALLY engineered... Meaning they got it from their parents who moved here.

  12. I wonder if some of these people commenting have any idea where chicken comes from.....other than the grocery store?

  13. Yes I do 4:24 have raised chickens all my life. Any other questions?

  14. Let's have a moratorium on environmental groups.

  15. You can bet Josh Hastings, the fearless leader of the Democrat Club in Wicomico County is part of those environmental groups.

  16. Why did the chicken cross the road?

    To get away from Jim Perdue!

  17. "All the chicken feces in the air, (that is the stink) and the runoff polluting the ground water, has lead to the low intelligence rate here." And you are a perfect example of that.


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