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Sunday, September 27, 2015


A school-board meeting in New Jersey descended into chaos when a room full of angry Muslim parents were denied a last-minute request by its members.

Tempers were so raw last Thursday when the Jersey City Board of Education decided not to close schools for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha that officials had to order security to "take charge." The holiday falls on Sept. 24.

"We’re going to be the majority soon!" said one woman into a microphone, WNBC-TV reported Sept. 17.

The speaker's statement echoed a top Islamic preacher, Sheikh Muhammad Ayed, who said during a recent sermon at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque of Muslims taking root in America and Europe, "We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries – whether you like it or not," WND reported.



  1. They leave there crap oppressive country to oppress America? .Go back.

  2. Boy ..this is gonna be war with these ignorant demons.

  3. This was what the Muslim In Chief meant when he stated he would transform-alley change America.

  4. Our contracepting culture isn't having children at a rate which can sustain it. Muslims in America are having the large families Americans used to have 100 years ago. Simple math, simple biology. Muslims WILL be the majority in another generation or two.

  5. And this is also the point of the million man March. So every black and Muslim may breed with white women in hopes to make our country one race and ultimately one religion. Ferrakahn has openly said this.

  6. how are they affording these large families. Its not because they all own 7-11's. They are living off your tax dollars. We are paying for this to happen.

    1. They are doing the same in England.

  7. They want to celebrate their holiday? Go to a country that celebrates the muslim holidays then - and that's not America, for their information.

  8. Send them back to where they came from so they can have their holidays and they can take that muslim Obama with them

  9. New Jersey..the armpit of America. The ideal place for all the sand potatoes. Give them New Jersey.

  10. Disturbing! Our country is being transformed while we sit back and do nothing!

  11. Bring on WWIII already so we can wipeout radical Islam.

  12. They come, not to "assimilate", but to take over.
    They even come out and TELL us that.
    What do WE do?
    Help them. PROTECT them.
    You dumb-aces.
    They will kill you as soon as they get the chance. Their religion COMMANDS it.
    It also condones setting women on fire, killing and raping children, and lying to accomplish their ends, which, at the bottom line, means YOUR end. And your entire family.
    Keep cheering.

  13. They have a Mosque on Jersey road near Naylor mill.

  14. Send them back - this is America. We live on our principals - not theirs.

  15. If I recall correctly, wasn't Obama's platform entitled "CHANGE"?


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