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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Kentucky Clerk Davis: To Some I'm 'Hitler' and 'Homophobe'

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, who was jailed for almost a week after refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses with her name on them, said she's been treated badly by people, but she's "never once spouted a word of hate."

"I've not been hateful," a tearful Davis told ABC's "Good Morning America" in the first part of a segment aired Tuesday. "I'm just a normal person that has been touched by the grace of God and his mercy."

The second part of the interview was to air on "The View" later in the morning.

But, she told interviewer Paula Faris that she hasn't "always been a good person," because "when I didn't live for God I didn't live for him. I was living for the devil."



  1. She certainly wasn't touched by smartness.

  2. She's not a good person...She's forced her religion on others and broke the law to do it. An ugly person, all around.

    1. She didn't force her religion on others. She held her religious believes and did the job the people elected her to do. If anything the government and whackos like you are forcing the issue. Folks could've went to other counties to get their license. Just like they could've found another baker to make a cake.

    2. Actually she did. She abused her office. If you're a resident of the county you shouldn't have to go to anywhere else.

  3. I am a christian and I do not agree with same sex marriages, however I do not endorse or applaud this woman. She is a publicity hound and has used up her 15 minutes in the spot light. If she has a job that disagree with her religious beliefs than QUIT! Obey the rules and laws the bible teaches that!

    1. What about the Christians who voted for her? She is doing her job. They are in the bible belt. One of the few places left in America that's wholesome. Not like candy land here in Salisbury where the lolli pop kid rules.

    2. What about them?

      She wasn't elected to enforce her beliefs by denying others their rights under the law.

      If this was a Muslim DMV clerk in Dearborn, Michigan, who refused to issue a driver's license to a woman, because he truly believed it was immoral, would you say that he should be fired? Or that he shouldn't have to issue licenses to women, because of the large Muslim population there?

      And why aren't you living in that "wholesome" Bible Belt?

  4. Kentucky Clerk Davis: To Some (change to most) I'm 'Hitler' and 'Homophobe'

  5. Honest woman who does not hide her feelings and the written word in The Bible concerning gays.

    1. And fails to live up to the ideals of separation of church and state.

  6. 2:32 Except it is only gays, if she was truly following her bible not many would be getting certificates from her.

    1. How do you figure 2:38? She's not a priest taking confession. She dont know what she cant see. But she sure as hell can see Adam and Steve in front of her. And it's wrong. Sex is about procreation. Your not supposed to masturbate and spill your seed on the floor or use a condom. Yet alone be queer! And last I knew this is a Christian country . In God We Trust everywhere. Regardless of what that worthless puke Obama says.

  7. i love her and would marry her.

  8. Joesph
    Norman swift arrested in crisfield.

  9. The Federal Government to include the Supreme Court cannot make LAWS according to the Constitution...

    All You that said she is not following the LAW....are Ignorant and should get the he*l out of my Country and take your GAY PRESIDENT Obama with ya!!!

  10. I stand behind 501 and 504. She never signed up to issue gay marriage licenses and held to her own beliefs. And the reason no one commented on my post about the 3rd cousin rule backs up me, 501, 504, and Clerk Davis.

  11. 6:11 Then she should have resigned her position. My job doesn't require me to sacrifice bunnies on the front lawn, but if it suddenly became a requirement, I'd turn in my resignation and find employment elsewhere.

  12. The term Homophobe is a slur with no medical connection it was created to shout down anyone that disagrees with "the agenda". Homosexuality was de-classified as a mental illness in 1973 by a minority of gay doctors and political pressure NOT SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE !

  13. I applaud her for holding to her strong beliefs. She should bow out of the government, however, since they have taken God and religion out of everything. Let the heathans take over -- it seems they already are anyway.

  14. 401, no, I would appreciate it if she would keep up the good fight, as she will surely win this one.


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