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Sunday, September 27, 2015


Extremely STRONG language


  1. Now I as a 'cracka' should just ignore this racist, hate mongering speech or should I take this as notice that there is a bounty so to say on me? Is this enough of a threat on my and my families life to warrant the right to a conceal carry permit?

  2. This idiot is delusional. Angry about all the wrong things, living off your tax dollars, created by your government.

  3. Just tell us open season works both ways!

    The majority of us are better marksman - some of us are good enough to start from another zip-code!

    Just like plinkin' cans!

  4. Bring it on Section8....we have a BOOM Surprise.

  5. As to her claim that she is a person of Nigerian ancestry, I'd bet she couldn't point to Nigeria on an unlabeled globe, let alone the correct continent.

    I'd also be willing to bet she, nor anyone else in the United States has witnessed anyone cracking a whip over another person in order to coerce them into subservience.

    So, this is just a picture of an idiot spewing out ignorance and hate to anyone who will listen.

    She's not even smart enough to pick out a decent cameraman. A kitchen table with a napkin holder could do a better job, LOL!

  6. The problem is she will inspire groups of idiots to follow. The machete was a symbol to link with their Muslim brothers, heck, many blacks convert to Muslim while in prison. I believe we will also see a large number of blacks converting to Muslim that are not in the prison system. Muslims have purchased a large track of land in Princess Anne, MD to build a mosque near the UMES campus.

  7. Thank you Mr. President for healing the racial divide and giving rise to warm, reasonable, and sane activists like this.Martin Luther King would be so proud.

  8. Two words...Arrest Warrant

  9. And they can't understand why they are profiled. She doesn't understand that most of her welfare comes from the crackers. She is a disgrace to black Americans.

  10. She is indeed an idiot, and delusional. And "angry" about an imagined conspiracy of hatred, which she blames for her failures in life.

    Much like Dylann Roof, and countless others who "should have been" stopped before he carried out his rage-fueled fantasies.

    Free speech is the right to express one's personal beliefs without government interference. It does not include attempting to change others beliefs in order to incite them to commit violence and criminal acts.

  11. She had to stop because her 14 year old daughter was having labor pains and she had to decide whether to take the bi**h to the hospital or check her EBT balance. If she had a job, there wouldn't be any time for calling for the murder of anyone and everyone not black.
    Further, is she aware that backs are outnumbered by the MILLIONS?
    It wouldn't be a race war. It would be a slaughter.
    Do welfare recipients get to use their EBT cards for machetes???
    They probably should put off coming to my neighborhood. That Zulu BS wouldn't last 30 seconds.

  12. Crackers are armed fairly well when the system crashes she'll be begging for food.

  13. Just saw that they have arrested this idiot!

  14. 5:46
    Good! Hope they keep her locked up for a long time.

  15. Hope they let the thugs come one at a time on my posted private property so they can bag them and tote them out....their mommas will be weeping!


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