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Monday, September 28, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: NASA confirms evidence that liquid water flows on Mars

Scientists announce that new findings from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter provide the strongest evidence yet that liquid water flows intermittently on Mars.


  1. I wonder what else NASA knows that they won't confirm!
    Back in the eighty's from the first photos there was plenty of evidence of water just from erosion on the service. Where there is water, there is life. I'm there they are suppressing this as well! Maybe it will take another 30 years to confirms this as well!

  2. Oh Come on...it was a Martian taking a LEAK

  3. Delmarva Power is now planning to put wind turbans in those oceans.

  4. Thank GOD ! Now my life can continue!

  5. The EPA will be there next week to control the flow and DNR will be posting no fishing signs.

  6. They knew this years ago,for some reason now the steeple can know.

  7. NASA has also confirmed that there is nothing but dense rock in Hillary's head.


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