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Sunday, September 06, 2015

Maryland Representatives Prove "Blue Lives Don't Matter" & Neither Does Your Tax Dollars

Earlier today we published the following story: 


Now here's what's interesting about the article you probably didn't recognize. When you click on the MORE link to read the entire story it directs you to who paid what for the vests as shown below. 
  • Baltimore City School District  9 vests  $2,080.45 = $231.16 per vest
  • Bel Air Town 6 vests $2837.94 = $472.99 per vest
  • Bladensburg Town 10 vests $3,412.56 = $341.25 per vest
  • Brunswick City 4 vests $1,366.98 = $341.75 per vest
  • Calvert County 45 vests $13,600.13 = $302.23 per vest
  • Cambridge City 24 vests $6,209.98 = $258.75 per vest
  • Caroline County 10 vests $3,685.96 = $368.60 per vest
  • Chevy Chase Village Town  2 vests $788.45 = $394.23 per vest
  • Cumberland City 8 vests $2,089.52 = $261.19 per vest
  • Dorchester County 10 vests $3,661.55 = $366.16 per vest
  • Frederick City 25 vests $8,543.61 = $341.74 per vest
  • Gaithersburg City 23 vests $12,040.80 = $523.51 per vest
  • Hagerstown City 10 vests $4,393.85 = $439.39 per vest   
  • Havre De Grace City 10 vests $5,101.75 = $510.18 per vest
  • Hurlock Town  3 vests $805.54 = $268.51 per vest
  • Hyattsville City 3 vests $966.43 = $322.14 per vest
  • Landover Hills Town 1 vest $304.90
  • Laplata Town 4 vests $1,382.60 = $345.65 per vest
  • Laurel City 6 vests $2,060.66 = $343.44 per vest
  • Mount Rainier City 6 vests $2,534.77 = $422.46 per vest
  • Ocean City Town 36 vests $17,092.09 = $474.78 per vest
  • Ocean Pines 7 vests $3,970.11 = $567.16 per vest
  • Rockville City 21 vests $7,791.77 = $371.04 per vest
  • Salisbury City 32 vests $15,708.03 = $490.88 per vest
  • St Michaels Town 3 vests $1,154.61 = $384.87 per vest
  • Westminster City 11 vests $4,322.80 = $392.98 per vest
  • Wicomico County 32 vests $11,657.73 = $364.30 per vest
  • Worcester County 7 vests $3,029.32 = $432.76 per vest

Now ANYONE with ANY business sense would look at the above samples and say, WHAT!

Isn't it interesting how one department can pay as low as $231.16 per vest, yet Ocean Pines is paying $567.16 per vest. Now, either Ocean Pines has a ton of really obese police officers, (officers are fitted for their vest) or their officers are more valued, (their lives matter most) then any other department in the state. 

On top of that, IF by chance they are ordering a better caliber of vest, (rifle vs. pistol) is the state/feds trying to say Ocean Pines officers deal with more criminals using long rage rifles then anywhere else in the state?

Clearly this is OUR tax dollars being blown in so many directions without any accountability whatsoever. 

AND, why are the FEDS getting involved in PAYING for all of these vests for LOCAL municipalities? Could it be that our Federal Government is now gearing up for a nation wide Federal Police Force??? They've been providing assault weapons, assault vehicles, assault gear and now vests. 

All in all, isn't there an FOP in ALL states? WHY aren't they working NATIONALLY to purchase these vests ON OUR DIME as ONE order for ALL police Officers, getting the best and lowest price, period? Heck, forget the national level, why isn't Maryland Law Enforcement placing ONE order for ALL our officers?

It makes no sense that a place like Landover Hills can place an order for ONE vest and only pay $304.00 when Salisbury orders 32 vests and pays $490.00 each!!! 

The numbers make absolutely no sense, yet Babs wants to pound her chest like she's doing ANYONE a favor! Is this price fixing? Is someone getting a piece of the action? If it is price fixing, how can the Feds use OUR money to screw us? I mean, isn't this exactly why we elected our representatives to protect us from such corruption!

IF by chance there are different quality/safety levels of vests, don't ALL Blue Lives Matter? Obviously Not!


  1. Wonder if the President of the FOP will address your questions Joe? I doubt the head of the largest gang of thugs will speak out.

  2. Sheriff's should supply their own vests. They have to for alot of their lights. They get plenty of freebies as it is and its a tax write off for them.

  3. 5:36, They also get free drug money they get to keep.

  4. Usually, you get volume discounts. Why are lower quantities less expensive?

  5. If I was a Police Officer and I valued my life(I do) I would have bought my own vest the first day on the job with my own money.

    1. Would you? Where would you get the money?

  6. Some of these vests might be different than the others. That might account for the difference in cost. HOWEVER I don't understand why the SPD spent more than the Sheriff's office. I would think the Sheriff's office would have to have a better vest since they not only work in the city but out in the county/country as well. Someone is not being responsible with our tax dollars.

  7. A vest is not a vest. They could be choosing better quality products, or products meant for different uses.

    That being said, if they have the grant money and want stuff...sometimes if you buy enough things at the right price, you get "free" stuff on sale.

    1. If freebies are kicked out ,shouldn't the public know what else we are getting? Let us feel good about being screwed.

  8. Babs and Meienschein will share a vest and the rest of spd's officers will have a special back plate on their vests to protect against all the back stabbing.

  9. What do they use all the confiscated money and merchandise on?

  10. Don't forget the speed cam windfall $$$$$$

  11. Its all rainbows people!! Go back to sleep. Did nt you read the article? Its a coming. Popes visit is the kickoff. Big event end of summer. Its not gonna be good.

  12. There will never be true accountability for spending as long as Democrats control the money.

  13. Feds have been giving money for vests since they were made. The cost has so many variables. It's like buying a car, different models and different options. The Ocean Pines vest could be like a "SWAT" type vest, they are much more expensive since they cover more and are thicker. I have been selling vests for years and this really doesn't give you nearly enough information to make a judgement. Way too many types, models and options. One carrier, two three, you never know. You have stab plates, ceramic plates, other ballistic plates to insert in the front.

    Yes you do pay ore for "larger" officers but not as much as you would think. Vests have never been a cheap item. The average life used to be 3 t 5 years, now they are getting close to 5 to 10. If they get wet, they are done, if they have been in a car accident, they should be replaced.

    So think quick and judge slowly.

  14. Either way, an intriguing question. I like your style, Joe, but ask that you follow up-relentlessly, just like you used to.

  15. 9:15, First of all, your not smart enough to convince me you ever sold any vests and I'll explain why.

    I explained in my post that the feds must believe that Ocean Pines DESERVES more attention then Salisbury, (for example). IF you knew anything about law enforcement you would have picked at least that portion up.

    I also explained there may be different levels and my title then spells it out, Blue Lives Don't Matter because WHY would ANY police officer deserve to have better protection then any other.

    So I'm not buying your load of crap.

  16. 9:26 That is about as stupid a question I have ever seen asked. If a persons life isn't worth a few hundred dollars to themselves they probably are worthless. I would borrow the money if I didn't have any from the bank or from friends or I would put it on a credit card. Considering the starting pay for most police is above $30k I am sure they wouldn't have any problem coming up with 3-400 dollars.

  17. FEDS are involved b/c they are TRYING TO NATIONALIZE POLICE like they have done with schools. Police dont take the oath army/marines/navy/aForce make. they are not bound by constitution.

    its real simple. nationalization of EVERYTHING. obama is the next Venezuela Chavez

    1. These grants have been available for more than 30 years. Nothing new.

  18. It's a grant. Each department applies for the grant stating what they want to buy. There are different levels of protection I IIA II IIIA III IV and comfort options that change the price. Each department has it's own preference on what level of protection they will provide and comfort options. Most agencies go for minimum protection/comfort IIA or II for general patrol. Others buy nicer vests with maximum protection/comfort. Our agency does lowest bidder for the level II vests. Not all that controversial.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Babs and Meienschein will share a vest and the rest of spd's officers will have a special back plate on their vests to protect against all the back stabbing.

    September 2, 2015 at 7:10 PM

    Yes, they are also needed in the fire department. Ask Rick Hoppes, John Tull and Darrin Scott.

  20. The F.O.P. has no control over spending by the departments or the government. So why ask the F.O.P. about an issue that has nothing to do with them. I am sure the local president would be more than happy to answer any legitimate questions about the F.O.P. I don't get the big deal bullet proof vest are not a comfort item they are a necessity. Do the worker at D.P.&l but their own protective gear. I think not. So Joe I think this did not hit the mark. Nice pic of the fat cop eating the donut. Remember the rank and file have no say in what is purchased. So why take shots at them daily on your blog. I used to like what you put out. You have become syndical and trivial. Sorry this has happened to you.

  21. 8:19, It never ceases to amaze me how some people, (like you) just can't learn to agree to disagree.

    Did you ever think it would benefit all of the taxpayers in the United States IF the F.O.P. actually stood up and suggested all law enforcement order ONE standard vest and get a major volume price break?

    You see, people like you can't stand someone creative like me. As for the fat cop eating a donut, I could have actually used real local photos of obese cops but chose not to. The idea was to suggest, is it because these cops are obese that some departments have to pay a lot more money for vests.

    I'll close with this. Salisbury News is by far the #1 local news source on the Shore. You can try to argue that all day long but you'd be very wrong. Because we have tens of millions of visitors, clearly we're doing something right. Yes, I said tens of millions.

    Try to learn to agree to disagree. I'm not a cop hater, I just have an opinion.

  22. I'd like to add. Don't judge me by the COMMENTS we receive.

  23. Anybody check prices on amazon? Buying that many will get you free shipping.

  24. Nothing is more dangerous than a broke, desperate, and well-armed government. They've created the scenario for the greatest financial disaster this country has ever seen. Be ready!


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