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Sunday, September 06, 2015

JUST IN: Judge Orders Six Separate Trials For Police Officers Charged In Freddie Gray's Death

A Baltimore judge on Wednesday ordered separate trials for six police officers facing criminal charges in the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray. He died in April after suffering a a severed spine while in police custody. The judge also refused to remove the case's chief prosecutor, State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby.

In addition, Circuit Court Judge Barry Williams denied a defense motion for the charges against the officers to be dropped.

Defense attorneys had sought to dismiss the charges - which range from second-degree assault to second-degree murder - because of prosecutorial misconduct. The judge, however, said that while he was "troubled" by Mosby's public comments regarding initial statements made by the officers to investigators, they are not likely to prejudice a jury.

Andrew Graham, an attorney representing Officer Caesar Goodson, had unsuccessfully argued that Mosby's comments after filing charges against the officers were "reckless and unprofessional," and violated the rules of conduct. He likened Mosby's comments on the case to a "pep rally calling for payback."



  1. What do you expect from obama Hack judges

  2. Actually this is better for the cops.

  3. 6:11 --

    Hey do-do. He's not a federal judge, and was not appointed by Obama.

    Go back under your rock.

  4. This is great for the rioters. SIX new riots, NOT JUST ONE!!!!! Fantabulous...

  5. 6:17 hey Einstein, Where did anyone say Williams was appointed by Obama or was even a federal judge?
    Go back under your rock and only come out when you have mastered reading comprehension skills.

  6. The judge did say some Mosby comments were “obviously troubling,” but prosecutorial misconduct is not in his domain.”

    I’ll take that as a ‘win’ for the defense as… at least he seems to be acknowledging that ~somebody~ needs to be looking into Mosby’s misconduct. That ~some body~ being the Attorney Grievance committee.

  7. The two defense motions that the judge denied were long-shot ones anyway. They were brought up in motions now to preserve the issue for appeal than any hope of getting them granted at this point in time.

  8. An interesting comment by Judge Williams appears, to be a signal to the Defense…..He indicated….
    “While the judge noted that he found Mosby’s behavior at the press conference “troubling,” he denied the motion to dismiss, citing that such authority rests with a Court of Appeals, not with him.”

  9. Let's see if the POS Mosby can keep her story straight for 6 law suits

  10. Get the case out of baltibore.

  11. So all the whites will be convicted and all the black will be exonerated....very predictable.

  12. These cases should not be tried in Baltimore. I hope they get moved to Texas. Maybe the police would get a fair trial there. Certainly not a fair trial in Baltimore with riots, threats and looting on the streets.


  13. Preparing for and trying six different cases will be a challenge for Mouthy Mosby.

    Didn't follow the link to see if venue change request has been made/decided. If so, will be another logistical hurdle for Mosby.

  14. Had to laugh at the courtroom artist's depiction of Mosby. She already is sporting that perpetual under bite from being a constantly angry person, but her jaw was jutted out far more than usual today in the courtroom. She must have been seething over the public slapdown the judge gave her not once but several times today. He basically reaffirmed what the more informed public already knew-Mosby is the prime example of what a failure affirmative action is.

  15. Mosby is so out of her league. She is like a twelve year old boy trying to play in the NFL.

  16. You have to work inside of the criminal justice system to really appreciate the sideshow it’s become. With this case in particular it's not about justice but delivering a sacrificial lamb to the mobs and furthering the political careers of the actors. These cops are not going on trial, they are going on stage for a political play. See the Trayvon Martin Emmy-nominated docudrama for more information.

  17. I see this being a very bad situation for the three white officers. I see the officers of color getting their hands slapped.

  18. Yikes, six more riots to come!

  19. Critical thinkers can recognize an insufficient amount of evidence to convict. The others are rooting like they did for O.J. They have no interest......... in the truth.

    Unless there is a cornucopia of unleaked evidence, this thing had been yet another Tawana Brawley that the black race baiting bondage machine keeps feeding its victims.

    One curious nuance, if you believe the prosecutors hypothesis, is that all of a sudden 6 officers whom only have a causal relationship, have conspired to commit crimes at exactly the same moments.

    If you believe this then one of two things must be true.

    1. Unimaginable conspiracy
    2. Bullship


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