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Sunday, September 06, 2015

Obama: A Black Version of Hitler

Remarkable similarities between the two leaders


  1. Jermichael Mitchell: A black version of a local Al Sharpton

  2. This says it all - Dictator Scum!!

  3. That's an insult to Hitler!!!!
    At least Hitler got Germany out to it's depression and built up it's economy!

  4. Anyone who at this point in time who hasn't realized that obama was sent here by the devil to do the devil's work on earth is either just as evil as he is, a liar or so damn stupid that their opinion isn't worth anything.

  5. Stupid and disrespectful post. Hitler was a monster, learn your history.

  6. What else did Hitler do? Look at your police force? Your check points. Illegal searches. " wrong" houses being raided. Comply or die! Arrest now and figure it out later..... All you Obama haters can't hate much. You applaud half of what he is doing!

  7. When police search or do a check point they are looking for criminals or someone who is breaking the law. When Hitler did it he was looking for Jews, Gypsies, the disabled, the mentally ill.
    There is no comparison 8:37 at least to a sane person. And don't even try to debate this because it is not debatable.

    1. Really? Jews were considered criminals. So were the gypsies. Disabled mentally ill were worth nothing but death. A good comparison. What happens when all a person has done is speak out against the government. Or makes you open your trunk because they're looking for a bank robber and finds that your moving your gun collection from one place to another and they sieze your weapons! Check points are unconstitutional and we are guaranteed freedom to travel unmolested. That means exactly that. Hoenis it not debatable? Must be an officer of the law. What I say is gospel. Try it with one of your sheep.

  8. I'd compare him to a jackass and his buddies Reid,Pelosi,McCain,Boehner and a myriad of other Dumbocrats but that would be a direct insult to a working member of the animal world. (Jackass)!!!!!

  9. " Anonymous said...

    Stupid and disrespectful post. Hitler was a monster, learn your history.

    September 3, 2015 at 8:23 AM"

    And if you think for one second that obama is deserving of any respect then you are the monster! Not only a monster but just as evil and wicked as obama is. Get the hell out from under the rock you are living under and see for yourself all the damage the ghetto trash hustler has done to this county.
    Just his lies alone are enough to make decent moral people disgusted. It time you people are told just how putrid and foul you all are. Decent people never respect a liar. Never ever.
    Is it okay with you that he is a pathological liar! Oh how the morals are gone from this country! I hope to hell you don't have children 8:23 because you are a piss poor example of a human being and no child deserves someone with such low standards as a parent.
    Now go find God in a REAL way because you really do need Him.

  10. I agree with 8:23 Stupid and disrespectful post.

    1:14 if anyone needs God it may be you.

    I remember Henry James said, “Three things in human life are important: The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.”

    Probably good advice for you.

  11. "I remember Henry James said, “Three things in human life are important: The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.”

    Probably good advice for you.

    September 3, 2015 at 1:55 PM"

    Only good advice for those who are held down by the chains of political correctness. A REAL Christian always tells the truth and a REAL follower of God knows and respects that the truth isn't always pretty and is sometimes very harsh. The way of a REAL Christian is NOT ever easy esp when you are on the receiving end and being told how you are drowning in the cesspool of immorality. What you people need is for more people to tell you the way IT IS and you would do best to listen and follow. It will benefit you and your future generations.
    Above IS good advice for you 1:55 and be assured that there are absolutely NO probabilities about it.

  12. He's a very vulgar person. I think this due to the lower class upbringing he had. His mother was a run around who dumped him off with grandparents who had no business raising another child since they did such a dismal job with his mother.
    This is why he is such a liar and just a crude and vulgar person all around.

  13. To 3:18

    A real Christian is not messing in politics all the time. A real Christian is focused on the great commission which says, "go ye into all the world and preach the gospel." A real Christian is working constantly to bring the unsaved to the Lord. A real Christian is not engaged in political correctness nonsense. A real Christian accepts his position as separate from worldly things on a Godless Earth. a real Christian does not say the things 1:14 said about the President God put into office or the people who support him. A real Christian prays that God's will be done and accepts that will. a real Christian is humble.

    Your converting technique could use some work. Saying "you people" did not work for third party candidate Ross Perot in 1992 and it is unlikely to work for you.

    I am not convinced you are a real Christian. 1:55

  14. If he were Caucasian, the term "white trash" would be apropos.


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