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Sunday, September 06, 2015

Downtown Salisbury


  1. A reflection on who visits the bury.

  2. Is that main st by the new child advocacy center?

  3. The Mayor would rather have code enforcement go around and fine businesses for every little violation meanwhile they should focus on keeping up with their responsibilities.

  4. Nice!! I think they pick it all up before every 3rd Friday or whatever the 'Art thing' is called

  5. Going to take some efforts to clean up Salisbury. It may never been the same as it was years ago when Main Street was a fully open street like Main Street in Berlin.

  6. That is why people avoid the plaza unless they have to work down there.

  7. Should be picked up and placed in Ireton's yard.

  8. This is what Ireton, Day, and the City Council has brought to Salisbury. For all their vision-what a horse load of crap. Their only vision are of bars, and fast-food eateries that will all soon be going under. Let's promote more drinking, and reckless behaviors by wasting money on trolleys to cart college kids to bars and picking up the drunks later in the evening to deposit them somewhere else.

    What a remarkable vision for the city of Salisbury. Collectively, all of you have certainly turned a once thriving city in deed into the bury. Each and everyone of you should be ashamed of your sorry selves because you have failed the citizens that you all swore to serve.

    I can get better service with a bunch of monkeys and jackasses.

  9. The city isn't worth saving unless you get rid of section 8 housing.

  10. Day will push thru massive spending to "revitalize" downtown to please and reward his GOB (that's "good ole boys") supporters -- that will result in soaring taxes for the rest of us but no benefit.

  11. I live in city limits and was told I had 10 days to get rid of the weeds on the public sidewalk in front of my house or be fined up to $100 and this trash is what is around Salisbury. I don't notice weeds, I notice the trash, boarded up homes, and drug deals. Priorities.

  12. This is the homeless peoples lunch wagon.

  13. You should see all the thugs that hand in the doorway of the Child Advocacy it is horrible. The city should be proud. It is the bus stop. It should be moved away from were children who have been traumatized are being treated. Ireton and Culver should be ashamed this is allowed to go on. Sexually abused kids having to walk through that filth. It is really sickening. I would think the city and county would put them in a better location. Just ridiculous.


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