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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Group resettling Syrian migrants in Baltimore

BALTIMORE —As civil war rages on in Syria, millions of people are seeking refuge in other countries, including the United States.

The International Rescue Committee in Baltimore is responsible for resettling some of them.

"Though they have lost a lot their homes, sometimes family and friends, they come here with a burning desire to start a new life, and Baltimore has been a welcoming place for immigrants and refugees where they can do that," said Reuben Chandrasekar, executive director of the IRC's Baltimore branch.

The migration crisis in Europe isn't going away. Thousands are still fleeing from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan in what's considered Europe's worst migration crisis since World War II.



  1. there is no end to the insanity.

  2. Think Baltimore has problems now, just wait. Don't the taxpayers have a say in this decision?

  3. And what are they fleeing? Obama's JV ISIS to whom we were sending arms to thru Benghazi, and whom Obama refuses to attack.

  4. This isn't a crisis!!!!! Aaaagggggggg!!!!! I'm losing my mind!!!!! This is a planned INVASION of MUSLIMS!!!! When is congress going to do something!!!!!! Aauuuggghhhhhhh!!!!!

  5. Poor folks went from one war zone to another lol

  6. Bet you call yourself a good Christian 12:25.

    1. I bet your a Obama loving idiot.

  7. they didn't lose anything. they simply gave up their stuff. they didn't stand and fight if need be. this is such bs!

  8. These Refugees should have stood there ground against ISIS what did they do ....RUN.

  9. One way to stop this is for Obama to actually have a real war against ISIS instead of the pretend one that keeps them intact to fight the Syrian regime. This is a win-win for Obama, the spread of Islam in the Middle East and in the USA. The so called moderate Moslems fleeing are just trainees for becoming a true Moslem (Murderer). Then they can start the same crap here. Again thanks to our Moslem/communist dictator.

  10. What a selfish group we have here.

    1. You take some into your house you bleeding heart treasonous Liberal.

    2. Refugees = Cowards.

  11. 1:52 Selfish or realistic, how about some of the wonderful Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia and Jordon taking some of the refugees. NOT ONE refugee is allowed. Do you know why they made that decision, check 1:51 for the answer. Bleeding heart liberals are so self-righteous but lacking in common sense.

  12. Just what Baltimore need a bunch of Muslim Terrorists to ad to the gangs and drug dealers! We need to stay out of this and just let them be killed, it is not our problem. We have enough problems right here. Just wait till those cops get off on this Freddie the Free loader stuff!

  13. Just want to reiterate what 2:13 said No Arab countries will allow any refugees into there country. Why do you think that is?

  14. Obama wants his family tree here.

  15. The pope is right about this. Where is your humanity?

    1. Bring em to your house ? Hypocrite.

  16. Who the hell are these "International Rescue Committee" people, what right do they have to determine that Baltimore has to take on even more people it can't afford?

    If there's a similar organization on Delmarva, we better find out about it, and shut them down before they transplant several thousand disgruntled, America-hating Muslims right here.

    We need a sign before the Bay Bridge, warning them:


  17. "The pope is right about this. Where is your humanity?" The pope is free to get off of some of the Vatican loot and buy them their own country - far from here. Your pope does not speak for everyone, you know.

  18. The pope is a false prophet so keep following him to hell. If you would like you can read about him in Revelations

  19. Power vacuum in the middle east caused by our premature withdrawal of forces. The top generals saw this coming a mile away but our "father knows best President" deemed it prudent.This guy and his policies really have been a catastrophic failure.

  20. Don't worry, the Saudis will pay to build several mosques for them to worship in.


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