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Monday, September 28, 2015

Governor Larry Hogan: 55,000 Maryland Taxpayers Now Eligible for Substantial Refunds


  1. great - who is eligible?

  2. 55,000 people. 200 million dollars. I'm wondering just who is getting it. Bet it isn't the poor folks who deserves it.

  3. MD residents who paid taxes on income earned in any other state during a 3 year period are entitled to the refund.
    The Supreme Court case involved a Howard county couple who were double taxed on income earned out of the state. The justices agreed with the state's Court of Appeals that the tax is invalid and that it discourages MD residents from earning money outside of MD.

  4. 5:44- Bet it aint the PO folks cause dey probly dint pay no taxes.WHAAAT

  5. if you don't work, or pay didly in taxes, then you get money back.


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