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Monday, September 28, 2015

O’Malley: Clinton email controversy threatens to define Democratic Party

Martin O’Malley said Sunday that “legitimate questions” remain about fellow 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account and server from her time as secretary of State, and warned that the issue threatens to define the Democratic Party.

“I believe that there are a lot of legitimate questions still to be answered about this particular controversy – the email, the email server, the FBI investigation and the like,” O’Malley said on CNN’s "State of the Union.”

O’Malley has been fighting for the party to expand the debate schedule beyond the six that are currently on the docket.

He argued Sunday that more debates are necessary, particularly in light of Clinton’s email controversy, because the issue threatens to swallow the race for the Democratic nomination.



  1. I've got an idea - how about we just use Baltimore City to "define" the Democratic Party"?

  2. Oh really ? How about the constant repeat questions about Carson's Muslim question , libs can't beat that in the ground enough, and nothing he said was illegal !

  3. 5:35 I think that's a good idea but ignorant Democrats will still vote for ignorant Democrats. Like, where can I get my free stuff.

  4. I don't get it. O'mally says wee NEED the money and Hogan gives it back. Obviously, Hogan NEEDED to be elected instead of O'Mally the last time around.

  5. Martin will continue to give us free stuff, won't he?


  6. Liked your folding chair lectern pic OweMalley. Hope you're back to busking in Bawlmor in short order. Probably not part of the furniture you connived to procure.

  7. I have a legitimate question, why aren't you democrats in jail?

    O'Malley you stole the furniture from the people of Maryland and Hillary broke so many laws who can count. Why aren't you in jail?

  8. Just demonstrates the dishonest treasonous mentality of the democrats!! They can't tell the truth or be responsible even for their own criminal and treasonous acts! The Clintons can't be trusted at all just like most of the lying, cowardly, treasonous, dishonest democrats including O'Malley, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Holder, Lerner etc. All should be imprisoned just for their disloyalty to the American people!

  9. The DUMBocrats will continue to prey on the poor, lower class, and illegals. Promising them and giving them FREE stuff, and paying their way. They stay in office because they keep the people on the govenment hand-out wagon.


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