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Monday, September 28, 2015

Maine mayor pushing bill to post welfare recipients’ addresses online

A Maine mayor is proposing a controversial name-and-shame strategy for welfare recipients, saying he plans to push a bill requiring the state to publish the names and addresses and other details for “every individual on the dole.”

Robert Macdonald, mayor of Lewiston, Maine, pitched the plan in his regular column for the Twin City Times. He noted that a website already lists information on state pensioners, and complained that “liberal, progressive legislators” think similar information on welfare recipients should be private.

“Well, the days of being quiet are gone,” he wrote. “We will be submitting a bill to the next legislative session asking that a website be created containing the names, addresses, length of time on assistance and the benefits being collected by every individual on the dole.

“After all, the public has a right to know how its money is being spent,” Macdonald said.


  1. I hope this is for real and not just blowing smoke up....

  2. 90% of Slimsbury would be listed.

  3. For once these parasites that live off of us taxpayers will be outed.

  4. Any tax payer money paid out should be open for viewing. It's no different than knowing exactly what each government employee/elected official are paid and their expenses.


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