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Sunday, September 13, 2015

F*** Yo Flag Movement Calls For Black Lives Matter Violence On 9/11

Members of the Black Lives Matter splinter group Fuk Yo Flag are threatening violence on September 11 in videos and blog posts.

After posting a recent video that called for “open season on killing white people and cops,” a man who identifies himself as “King Noble, Black Supremacist” has put out another bizarre, expletive-laced video where he delivers a monologue of his contempt for both the American and Confederate flags, which he claims are symbols of oppression.

The video begins with Noble saying:

The orders have just come down from the head organizer of #FYF911 movement from Palmetto Star — the ratched revolutionary, too raw for TV — the order has come down to reveal the secret locaiton of FYF mobilization.

The event will be held in Stone Mountain. Get there. In Stone Mountain, you will witness the end of U.S. imperialist white supremecy. September 11th, Stone Mountain. Get there.



  1. I wish these losers would concentrate on cleaning up their neighborhoods. Anyone notice how all black neighborhoods are a mess. Trash everywhere. They can't even be bothered to pick up a piece of trash laying on the sidewalk. We took a drive on some of the backstreets of Sby not so long ago and I would have thought I was in some 3rd world country it looked so bad.

    1. Thats why they should continue living in a garbage .

  2. Because they don't have common decency, morals, and values instilled in them by their parents. Most are basically on their own from the time they are old enough to walk. There are no filters in their minds to help them determine right from wrong or to direct them to control emotions and desires. They see something they want and they use what ever means necessary to get it. When Michael Brown saw the items he took from the store, he reached out and took them. When the owner tried to stop Brown he was assaulted by Brown. When human beings aren't taught that there are consequences to their actions and are left to their own devices at a young age, they grow up with instincts of animals because in fact we are animals.When animalistic behavior is rewarded it encourages the behavior. Most of us are socialized but many are not. It seems that the unsocialized percentage is growing. When the number of animals grows our society becomes an anarchy. Ready or not, here it comes.

  3. I hope they meet up with bikers.

  4. Just more dumbed down Obama voters. This guy is a coward and probably sits down to pee. This is treason.

  5. 1:18 they have real difficulties when it comes to telling the truth too. Lying seems to be an inherent trait with them.
    No impulse control either especially when they get in groups.

  6. "When Michael Brown saw the items he took from the store, he reached out and took them."

    And they look to Brown as a hero martyr. Same with heroin dealer Freddie Gray. Then they sit around with their fingers shoved up their foul arses wondering why their neighborhoods are war zones because they are too ignorant to connect the dots. I really am beginning to think God didn't give them the same brain as other races. Either that or they haven't figured out how to use it.

  7. Obama and justice dept this is a Terrorist act and inciting violence hope your there waiting for them ?

  8. US should activate some Black Ops missions to remove these terror cells.

  9. Don't worry about these inmates,drug addiction POS. None vote,none work, just useless. Now I don't believe in abortion but I would look the other way for these lowlife's.

  10. It is a shame and a sin what blacks have done to their communities.
    They should be ashamed but they aren't because their lack of morals prevent them from ever taking any blame. Hopefully the city's violence will continue and more will die. Only the lowest of the low, a dreg of society not worth anything themselves think criminals lives matter.
    Oh wow-that's what's wrong with the black communities and why all the crime. They are void of any decency and morals and are the dregs of society.

  11. NO SHAME IN THEIR GAME!#! They wonder WHY they are hated.

  12. they police themselves. no need for police

  13. 7:07 I agree. And the hatred toward them isn't racism. It's because of what horrid people they are. Just look at what they have done to the inner cities.

  14. Most of the properties these people live in are rentals and they have the mind set of 'what do I care, I don't own it so it is someone else's problem!' No pride in where they live. What I would like to know is why they are so quick to resort to physical violence over some of the most trivial perceived wrongs against them.Where most other peoples would just get angry then let it go they hold on to anger with the thought of violent revenge/retaliation.

  15. BLM is run and controlled by White Liberals using the ignorant as errand boys...Wasn't that Charles Manson's plan?


  16. I work with all white co-workers and let me tell you they are the laziest,tell more lies,nasty and I mean nasty folks I have ever met.So don't toot your nasty black lies in print.Look who are the serial killers,the pedophiles,look who stand by the bridge early in the morning to get their fix.Come now white race you got your trashers too.My black neighborhood is clean,my lawn is trimmed,you are wrong,I have always lived in a nice place.


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